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Single women in Italy

sonsy looking for a man
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 133 lb
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 Life Dream: canada
 i am very responsible girl and i have a good looking.i ...
juleey looking for a man
All love is sweet
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 106 lb
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 in spite of my ability to live on my own, I don't lose ...
adrianna looking for a man
Conquer my heart
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 122 lb
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 i am a simpatic girl , i'm looking for a man who can a ...
gisella looking for a man
I`m your future
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 115 lb
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 im italian but actually i live in usa like to me...
Eva looking for a man
Inspire me, please!
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 113 lb
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 i've got a tongue piercing
Natasha looking for a man
I am optimistic, cheerful, romantic and...
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 133 lb
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 I'm nice, open-minded, curious, rather friendly and sun...
irina looking for a man
Where are you, my beloved one?
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 117 lb
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 I am a young girl who is interested in serious relation...
stella looking for a man
Looking for a real friend
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 80 lb
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 Life Dream: very good life dream
 i am very good girl looking a very nice male
Elena looking for a man
Looking for a real MAN
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 135 lb
 Blue Green
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 Life Dream: My dream: to find a loved one ...
 About me want to write short: beautiful, attractive, in...
crystal looking for a man
Conquer my heart
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 124 lb
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 Life Dream: to find a great Italian sponta...
Julya looking for a man
People live for each other
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 188 lb
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 I am a sociable person by nature. At the same time I am...
sharon looking for a man
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
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 120 lb
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 i am a kenyan lady of age 22 years. am currently worki...
tatiana looking for a man
To be or not to be?..
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 133 lb
 Blue Gray
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 Life Dream: âñòðåòèòü ëþáèìîãî ÷åëîâåêà
 ÿ î÷åíü ÿðêàÿ ëè÷íîñòü,óìíàÿ,òðåçâî ñìîòðþ íà æèçíü
ELENA looking for a man
I hope to meet you!!!
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 126 lb
 Blue Gray
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 Life Dream: íàéòè ïîëîâèíêó
 õî÷ó ïîäàðèòü òåïëî è ëàñêó êîòîðèå áûëè ñïðÿòàíû íà äî...
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