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Single women in UA

Galina looking for a man
Looking for a prince in shining armor!!!
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 126 lb
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 Life Dream: íàéòè ñâîåãî åäèíñòâåííîãî
 çàáîòëèâàÿ,ñåêñóàëüíàÿ,íåæíàÿ,âåðíàÿ,ýêñòðèì àëêà,âåñ¸ëà...
Íàòàøà looking for a man
I hope to meet you!!!
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 115 lb
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 Life Dream: ìàøèíà
 ß ñêðîìíàÿ,âåñåëàÿ, åíåðãè÷íàÿ äåâóøêà...
Katerina looking for a man
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
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 115 lb
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 Life Dream: äîñòè÷ü ïîñòàâëåííûõ öåëåé
Ìîíèêà looking for a man
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 128 lb
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íèêà looking for a man
I`m the one you need
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 164 lb
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 Life Dream: ïîçíàêîìèòüñÿ ñ ìóæ÷èíîé -äðóã...
 ìÿãêàÿ è ïóøèñòàÿ
jliya looking for a man
I need a man to show me how a
woman deserves to be treated
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 108 lb
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Íàòàëè looking for a man
I will present you a whole world,
full of my Love and tenderness!!!
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 122 lb
 Green Brown
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 Life Dream: ïîçíàêîìèòüñÿ ñ ìóæ÷èíîé ìîåé ...
 êðàñèâàÿ, äîáðàÿ, íåæíàÿ äåâóøêà :)) îïòèìèñò ïî æèçíè,...
ßíà looking for a man
Reliable friend and passionate lover
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 142 lb
 Blue Green
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 ß î÷åíü äîáðàÿ è ëàñêîâàÿ, íî ìîãó áûòü àãðåñèâíîé. Î÷å...
Âèêòîðèÿ looking for a man
I hope to meet you!!!
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 120 lb
 Green Brown
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 Life Dream: íàéòè äîñòîéíîãî ñïóòíèêà æèçí...
 ïîäðîáíî î ñåáå çàèíòåðåñîâàííûì ëèöàì
Elena looking for a man
The best woman - for the best man!
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 142 lb
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 i'm a pretty girl with many interests and talants
lena looking for a man
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
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 115 lb
 Green Brown
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 ðàäà áóäó ïîçíàêîìèòüñÿ
Vera looking for a man
Perhaps I`m the woman you have
searched for all your life?
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 122 lb
 Green Gray
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 Life Dream: êðóãîñâåòíîå ïóòåøåñòâèå
 ß î÷åíü ëåãêèé ÷åëîâåê, ìîãó ñêàçàòü òî÷íî, ÷òî ëþäÿì ê...
Oxana looking for a woman
Follow me...
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 Life Dream: To find my love
 Too shy to deskribe myself...
Àëëà looking for a man
Where are you, my beloved one?
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 142 lb
 Green Brown
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Anny looking for a man
Looking for a prince in shining armor!!!
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 144 lb
 Blue Gray
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 ×èñòàÿ äóøà, îòêðîâåííûé âçãëÿä, ïðàâäèâûå ñëîâà, ðîìàí...
Íàòàëèÿ looking for a man
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 131 lb
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 Îáûêíîâåííàÿ æåíùèíà , ñ íåáîëüøèìè íåäîñòàòêàìè è ñ ìà...
Îêñàíà looking for a man
I hope to meet you!!!
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 155 lb
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 Ìíå 40. È ÿ îòêðûâàþ íîâóþ ïîòðÿñàþùóþ ñòðàíèöó ñâîåé æ...
WhiteSwan looking for a man
I would like to meet a person,
who deserves to be loved...
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 104 lb
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 Îâäîâåâøèé ëåáåäü íàáèðàåò âûñîòó, ñêëàäûâàåò êðûëüÿ è ...
Irina looking for a man
Similar thoughts create friendship
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 120 lb
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 Life Dream: æèòü â ðàäîñòè
 I'm an usual person who wants to love and to be loved.,...
Elena looking for a man
Meet the best girl! May be your girl
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 124 lb
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 Life Dream: to realize myself
 I would like to find a man who will take care , respec...
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