Low Self-Esteem
The greatest mistake you can make in life is
to be
continually fearing you will make one.
Elbert Hubbard
Everybody experiences low
self-esteem sometimes. Those who let this enemy of the happy life take its course suffer
from it usually.
Common examples of low self-esteem:
feel overweight or have the wrong body shape,
not good enough or feel inadequate,
insecure about race or color background.
Causes of low self-esteem (low self esteem):
out of work,
not earning enough,
lost job,
once you have failed at something, your confidence takes a jolt and you are
weary of trying new things in the future,
invalidation from other people can be devastating, especially if it comes from
an authority figure.
Events by themselves have no decisive importance. The root of low self-esteem is your thoughts. Emotions you feel because of low self-esteem (anxiety, depression etc.) are caused by your thoughts and influence your mood, taking it out of control.
Event -> Thought -> Low self-esteem
For example:
Event: Unrequited love.
Low self-esteem (self esteem) thought: "I'm ugly, overweight, wrong body shape etc." Let's change low self-esteem thought: "He doesn't love me, then he isn't my second half." Then you feel yourself optimistic and avoid low self-esteem.
Low self-esteem thoughts gradually become automatic. It`s hard to turn it off or change because it becomes reflexive and plausible. Changing low self-esteem requires persistence until positive thinking becomes natural way of thinking.
A few solutions to low self-esteem
There are different solutions to low self-esteem. Wrong treatment may aggravate it. That is why millions of people seek professional psychological help. Complex professional approach is much more effective. Professional psychological support service of Meeting Land enables you to discuss your low self esteem concerns in a supportive confidential way. That looks like a dialogue (forth and back e-mails exchange) More about low self-esteem treatment
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