Looking for - Douglas from Eastbourne

Douglas is ready for marriage, just needs a wonderful person to meet...

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 I'm: Man
 Country: United Kingdom
Eastbourne Region: England
 Seeking a: Woman
 Looking for: Marriage
 Marital status: Never been married
 Wish children: Yes
 Spoken languages: English
 Written languages: English
 Zodiac Sign:
184 cm (6'0.4")
71 kg (157 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
Junior College/Trade/Technical School
Government Worker
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Health programs
Forms of entertainments:
Reading, TV
Computer Games:
Family, Strategy
Drama, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror
Graphic arts/Drawing, Computers/IT, Creative writing
 My personality: Well, I'm still growing up and changing a whole lot - I find it hard to define my personality in a few words. Infact I don't think I can. I have so many different aspects that seem to change so rapidly, you could almost call me "unstable" - but that might put some women off, because I know how much girls like stable, confident men. I dunno, someday I'll grow up and everything will make sense and I'll be able to tell you exactly who I am! (I hope!)
Well, right now I love computer-gaming - my favourite thing to keep in shape is my computer - I always make sure it's running the best hardware out there. I don't exactly upgrade it every week, but I try to make sure it's at least competing at the elite level ;) My favourite games? Well they change ALL the time - if I write anything down here it will just be another thing I have to modify about this profile next week! Going back to hobbies though - I love photography, writing and generally all arty things (except painting - which I do not like too much, although I am quite happy to do it if needs be).
 Marriage match: I'm looking for a sweet girl who is friendly, talkative, outgoing and honest, but not LOUD. Somebody who is submissive, understanding, patient and obviously loving. Most importantly, somebody God-fearing and who is willing to pray and read the Bible with me, and (I know this has been said a thousand times and some people may say it without even really considering what it means) puts God in the centre of the relationship. Okay, I also want an American because they are the most attractive and have a wonderful accent which makes me glow inside every time I hear it. Plus, it's the only accent I could tolerate listening to for the rest of my life! ;)
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02.26 11:51:57