Looking for - mike01 from San Bernardino

Mike01 is ready for marriage, just needs a wonderful person to meet...

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I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!

 I'm: Man
 Country: USA
San Bernardino Region: California
 Seeking a: Man, Woman
 Looking for: Marriage, Friendship, Serious relationship, The financial help
 Marital status: Widowed
Boys: 12 (ages list)
 Wish children: May be
 Most important
  things in Life:
i am have sense of humour
 Life Dream: dreaming to have what is right for me
 Spoken languages: English
 Written languages: English
mike gilbert
 Zodiac Sign:
150 cm (4'11.1")
45 kg (100 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Aerobics, Auto (Motorcycle)racing, Football, Baseball, Golf, Basketball, Sports dancing, Hockey, Squash/racquetball, Boating, Jogging/running, Martial Arts, Swimming, Tennis, Rugby
Forms of entertainments:
Humor, Reading, Camping, Shopping, Dancing, Travelling, News&Media, TV, Walking, Food&Drink
Computer Games:
Family, Puzzle
Musical, Drama, Science Fiction, Comedy
Jazz, Reggae, Blues, Rock, Classical, Country, Opera
Ecology, Cars, Home improvement, Reading, Science/Technics, Children, Collecting, Cooking, Philosophy
Dish: chiken and potatoes
Colour: blue,red,white
Season: slowning
 My personality: i will like you to understand this well,When am in love fully, to the extreme throes of passion, it's wonderful. Describing it is next to impossible, but a friend of mine equated it to taking an adrenaline shot and then bungy jumping. I believe that everyone has someone out there. Some find them easily, some do not. Not everyone can feel passion, however.To some, a relationship is like a business; you do what you have to do to keep it going and not make you bankrupt. These people play it safe and have no chance for feeling passion. Different people's perception on what ‘good’ lovemaking is varies greatly.I tend to 'thrive' on the mental aspect... If mentally and emotionally we are connected, then the lovemaking can be out of this world. How to... making love ... If your making love... be reminded that there is a person attached to it. Feelings.. Emotions, trust, respect... and when it's all in place.. My knowledge tells me that the lovemaking is fabulous.. On the other hand perhaps you just need to realize that it is not easy to find your "soulmate" (she just may be someone you have a lot of chemistry with) and that you should just enjoy what it is you have with her but keep on looking for someone else... Remember one very important thing... People are who they are and it is always better to simply see if who they are fits in with who you are rather than to try to "force" the issue to make yourselves fit with each other which is, in the long run, close to impossibility to do as 99% of the time it fails. You've been talking with you for few days while, getting to know each other. It will be a shock at first, because no matter how hard you try not to be, humans are visually oriented.
 Marriage match: Try not to immediately dwell on her/your physical appearance, voice, and all those other things you haven't had to deal with in your relationship. Don't greet her like a stranger: a hug is always a good place to start! Get onto the ground we are both familiar with... our words. Bring up an old topic of converstaion, and try to explore some new ground.
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03.08 06:24:15