Looking for friends - mariocesar from Fortaleza

Single Mariocesar wants to create a family.

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I hope to meet you!!!

 I'm: Man
 Country: Brazil
 Seeking a: Woman
 Looking for: Marriage, Friendship, Serious relationship
 Marital status: Divorced
Boys: 16 (ages list)
 Wish children: May be
 Most important
  things in Life:
jesus my job my son
 Life Dream: own a notebook finish my house
 Spoken languages: English
 Written languages: English
mario cesar de sousa
 Zodiac Sign:
175 cm (5'8.9")
67 kg (148 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
4-year College/University
english teacher
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Football, Mountain climbing
Forms of entertainments:
Humor, Camping, Shopping, TV, Walking
Computer Games:
Don`t play
Action, Documentary, Adventure, Drama, Thriller, Detective stories
Animals/Pets, Politics, Reading, Science/Technics
Dish: Baião de dois
Colour: blue
Season: winter
 My personality: I'm kind of reserved but I can be very sociable. I get along well with all kinds of people. I'm friendly but I can be moody. Enjoy being on my own sometimes. I am very honest, sincere, reliable. I respect people's opinion. I am not 100% romantic but I am passionate. When I open my heart to a woman, it will always belong to her as long as she respect me. I enjoy sharing everything. I can't deny that I can be bore sometimes, but just give some privacy and everything will be all right. I enjoy some moments to talk to my beloved God, Jesus, so that I can feed my soul with their love. I can be childish, but I can talk seriously about anything. I am responsible and I have integrity. I am not perfect, but I expect the best of me unfortunaltely... but the least of the others I really hope we can get along well and more I have to tell...
 Marriage match: Someone who shares with me everything. Friendly, calm who understands myself. Someone who enjoys talkinf about god and life, shares a good time at home and out, not parties just outside activiteis, like beach shopping and church etc.
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09.07 17:40:31