Looking for someone - Vera from London

A single woman Vera is seeking a reliable man for marriage.

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Attractive and full of surprises

 I'm: Woman
 Country: United Kingdom
London Region: England
 Seeking a: Man
 Looking for: Marriage, Serious relationship
 Marital status: Never been married
 Wish children: May be
 Most important
  things in Life:
My Mom
 Life Dream: To Become seccefull
 Spoken languages: English
 Written languages: English
Vera Morgan
 Zodiac Sign:
126 cm (4'1.6")
39 kg (86 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Native American
4-year College/University
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Out of Sport, Football, Baseball, Base-jumping, Golf, Basketball, Sports dancing, Biking, Martial Arts, Swimming, Tennis
Forms of entertainments:
Reading, Casino/gambling, Singing, Dancing, Travelling, Walking, Food&Drink, Playing cards
Computer Games:
Family, Action, Sports, Racing, Role Playing
Action, Documentary, Musical, Drama, Thriller, Comedy, Detective stories
Jazz, Reggae, Blues, Rock, Classical, Singers, Pop, Rap
Playing an instrument, Cars, Reading, Charity, Children, Cooking, Creative writing
Dish: Rice
Colour: Red
Season: Xmax
 My personality: i am energetic, young Lady, intelligent, elegant, considerate and modest. I do not like ordinary, monotonous life. I do not like to waste my time and I try to fill my schedule completely. I respect and love my close people. I always value my friends and I am glad to good new acquaintances with clever and honest people. I am emotional, sensible and caring intelligent, Godfearing and considerate. I value in people ambition, wit, kindness, self-confidence and self-respect. I do not like lie, irresponsibility, insolence, anger, envy and hypocrisy. I can forgive almost everything, but if someone hurts me, I will be more and more further of such person. As for my hobbies: I like reading some magazines,novels and any inspirational and educative books, and to know more and more something new, being together with my friends, swimming, dancing, sporting, looking smart and agile. All of this helps me to relax and makes my mood better. I like visiting exhibitions, theatres, cinemas, museums. My favorite holiday is my birthday and valentine because i love atmosphere of love and sharing...because the greatest gift i have to give to you is love and that's what i'd love to get fron you too.
my favourite meals, are vegetables, ice-creams and ofcourse fruit... i care sooo much about and i watch what i eat on a daily basics because having the passion and desire of being a great model someday soonest... my cossy and pretty body is my priority and pride because i give it all the attension it needed...If you are intrested in me you can write me!
love to have you in my world full of love and intergrity...
you are welcome DEAREE!!!
 Marriage match: I would like to meet black or mixed-race, slim built Man who resides in the United Kingdom (London - in or around the world)Just be yourself. Being attractive is great, but a persons true beauty is always on the inside. If you are into games ...please save them for yourself. Someone who is insightful, yet not preachy. Someone who can have sympathy for anothers imperfections by being aware of their own. A good sense of humor is a must. First for youself and second cuz you're gonna need one if you hang around me long enough. Be able to laugh at yourself...but be prepared to laugh at me.and values the same qualities as I do - please see my profile. Someone who is willing to share a good and bad times together. Someone sensible and down to earth. I am looking for someone with a view to a serious relationship. If you would like to find out more about me or for anything else - please do get in touch. One more thing - since I've managed to have my photo published for you to view it, could I kindly ask you to do the same thing before replying... Thank you and hopefully - I'll speak to you soon!
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02.24 21:38:45