Looking for someone - angel_of_love from Miami Beach

Angel_of_love is seeking love relationship.

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I`m emotional, thoughtful, kind, and very sexual!

 I'm: Woman
 Country: USA
Miami Beach Region: Florida
 Seeking a: Man
 Looking for: Love
 Most important
  things in Life:
My family, My friends, and My dog
 Life Dream: To become a psycologist
 Written languages: English
 Zodiac Sign:
168 cm (5'6.1")
52 kg (115 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
Aerobics, Fitness, Jogging/running, Swimming, Tennis
Forms of entertainments:
Humor, Reading, Dancing, Travelling, Outdoor games
Computer Games:
Puzzle, Arcade, Board Games
Action, Documentary, Musical, Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, Animation, Erotica, Thriller, Comedy, Fantasy, Tragedy, Detective stories, Horror, Western
Religious, Rock, Classical, Rock-n-roll, Country, Pop, Popular
Animals/Pets, Photography, Playing an instrument, Reading, Sexology, Yoga, Philosophy
Dish: Pizza
Colour: neon green
Season: winter
 My personality: People say that i look like my name, Angel. I think it's kind of silly though. I love my little silky terrior she's so cute! I'm into s..ual experimentation, but i'm straight so don't get any ideas. I'm really just looking for someone to flirt with on the internet
 My match mate: Hot and S..y just like me. Into trying new things and not afraid to be themselves.
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01.03 15:14:53