Fitness singles - jacks from Charlotte

Jacks wants to meet new friends and penpals here...

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Attractive, stable, independant...

 I'm: Woman
 Country: USA
Charlotte Region: North Carolina
 Seeking a: Man, Woman
 Looking for: Friendship, Pen pal, Dating
 Marital status: Never been married
 Most important
  things in Life:
simply enjoying life
 Life Dream: :)...thats my little secret
 Spoken languages: English, Spanish
 Written languages: English, Spanish
 Zodiac Sign:
175 cm (5'8.9")
60 kg (133 lb)
 Eyes colour:
Green Brown
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
4-year College/University
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Aerobics, Fitness, Skiing, Snowmobiling, Health programs, Boating, Surfing, Swimming, Mountain climbing, Water skiing, Sailing, Weight lifting
Forms of entertainments:
Bars/pubs, Humor, Camping, Casino/gambling, Concerts, Dancing, Travelling, Food&Drink
Computer Games:
Don`t play
Action, Documentary, Musical, Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, Animation, Erotica, Thriller, Comedy, Tragedy, Detective stories, Western
Alternative, Latin, Rock, Country, Opera, Disco, Pop, Tango, Electronic, Popular, Techno&Ttrance, Flamenco, Punk, Top-40
Animals/Pets, Photography, Business/Finance, Hiking, Psychology, Home improvement, Science/Technics, Modeling/Wood cutting, Computers/IT, Medicine, Philosophy
Colour: black
Season: summer
 My personality: Lets see where to start...I am from a sailboat so in reality I am from lots of different places. I enjoy experiencing different cultures and meet new people. I always figure that everyone can teach you something so the more people you meet the more you will know :)...I am an active person and enjoy hanging out with my friends and making new memories...I am almost always happy for the simple fact that if I get sad or pissed off I decide to forget it because life is simply too short to live it with anger or sadness.
 My dating match: No idea...I'll let you know when it comes around though.
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03.04 08:46:43