Looking for a girl - Ky from

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For interesting and pleasant communication

 I'm: Man
 Country: South Africa
 Seeking a: Woman
 Looking for: Pen pal
 Most important
  things in Life:
mt family,my friends,my cell phone
 Life Dream: travel the world,to have a family of my own
 Written languages: English, Afrikaans
 Zodiac Sign:
Auto (Motorcycle)racing, Fitness, Go-carting, Martial Arts, Paintball, Cricket
Forms of entertainments:
Humor, Camping, Shopping, Magic, Theater, Museums, Travelling, TV, Walking, Playing cards
Computer Games:
Action, Simulation, Role Playing
Action, Documentary, Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, Animation, Erotica, Thriller, Comedy, Fantasy, Tragedy, Detective stories, Horror, Western
Jazz, Reggae, Alternative, Blues, Rock, Techno&Ttrance, Rap
Animals/Pets, Playing an instrument, Graphic arts/Drawing, Cars, Cooking, Philosophy
Dish: Lasagne
Colour: black
Season: winter
 My personality: Im a very old school guy, enjoy life one day at a time. I try to be as positive as i can coz i believe if u give out positivty it will return to you. Life is TOO short!!! u gotta ENJOY it or its gonna pass u by!! My motto is work hard and play HARDER!!
 My match mate: Im jus looking for a girl who will be willing to share her life experiences with me as im interested in learning about different cultures.
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02.24 08:53:10