Fitness singles - Skazka_sk from Aleksandrija

Skazka_sk wants to find her life partner here

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Attractive, stable, independant...

 I'm: Woman
 Country: Ukraine
 Seeking a: Man
 Looking for: Marriage, Serious relationship
 Marital status: Never been married
 Wish children: Yes
 Most important
  things in Life:
family, love
 Spoken languages: Russian, English
 Written languages: Russian, Russian
 Zodiac Sign:
168 cm (5'6.1")
50 kg (111 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Fitness, Surfing, Swimming, Tennis
Forms of entertainments:
Singing, Theater, Dancing, Fashion show
Computer Games:
Family, Sports
Drama, Tragedy, Western
Blues, Disco, Pop, Popular
Cars, Ice skating
Dish: chinese
Colour: red
Season: summer
 My personality: Man and woman should be not only lovers but friends, partners in life as husband and wife share each moment of their being. I think there shouldn't be any secrets between husband and wife, they have to share and discuss everything otherwise sooner or later it can bring a lot of misunderstandings and destroy their marriage
 Marriage match: I so want to be loved and I want to give love also. I really want to have children in the future with my loved person, to give them love, understanding and my full attention. For only then you feel happy when you give happiness to loved people. Maybe I want to much out of life, but how to make myself stop dreaming. In my life I went thru the pain of deception and disappointments, but I feel that life is wonderful and it is necessary to find happiness in it. To be honest is very important for me inside the relationship. I canīt life without the truth. Sometimes everybody should know who he is - which errors and requirements everyone of us have. Nobody is perfect! To be in a marriage means to have the confidence in the other one, to hold and to give. Every partner should be responsible to each other - I mean to get the attention for problems, interests and opinions. Each partner is part of two, it doesnīt work alone. But everyone is an individual which should be respected
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03.02 02:46:00