Looking for a husband - Antuanet from Riga

Antuanet is ready for marriage, just needs a wonderful person to meet...

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I hope to meet you!!!

 I'm: Woman
 Country: Latvia
 Seeking a: Man
 Looking for: Marriage
 Marital status: Divorced
Boys: 19 (ages list)
Girls: 5 (ages list)
 Wish children: No
 Most important
  things in Life:
Composure, health and well-being of family
 Spoken languages: Russian, Latvian
 Written languages: English, German
 Zodiac Sign:
170 cm (5'6.9")
74 kg (164 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
4-year College/University
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Out of Sport
Forms of entertainments:
Humor, Reading, Theater, Travelling, News&Media, TV, Walking
Computer Games:
Don`t play
Adventure, Drama, Thriller, Comedy
Religious, Classical, Singers, Pop, Popular
Politics, Psychology, Home improvement, Reading, Children
Dish: рыба, вино, сладости
Colour: много
Season: лето
 My personality: I romantic, vulnerable, but not deprived practicalities since after death of the husband itself brought up sons. Now they adults, at them the life, friends.
I can tell about myself, that the woman having the opinion, but yours faithfully I treat opinion of other people, I try to act how I want, that acted with me. Responsible I respect in people honesty, decency, wisdom.
At leisure I like to read .Pleasure female magazines, newspapers - gossips; for development - the spiritual literature, I love on TV historical, documentary - historical transfers, sometimes serials.
I love classical music, the priest, romances: I like and sometimes noisy rest - all depends on mood and circumstances.
When parents were alive, a lot of time carried out in a garden. I like to have a rest on a nature, especially I love the sea and flowers!
We like to arrange family suppers, to not forget the grandmother culinary recipes and simply to communicate in a close circle. Very much it would be desirable, when I look on adult sons and their girls, again will return soul of years on twenty back and again to feel spring of love! It would be desirable to live stayed time full and is sated. You see to live, the woman should love and be loved, it would be desirable to be weak and defenceless!

 Marriage match: Serious, responsible, quiet, kind and indulgent. It is ready to divide love, tenderness and it is warm with the beloved, it is ready to accept and grow fond of my daughter and to begin it the father.
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03.09 18:23:32