Looking for - tamy from Jacksonville

Tamy is looking for a serious relationship that can lead to creating a family...

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Looking for a real friend

 I'm: Woman
 Country: USA
Jacksonville Region: Florida
 Seeking a: Man
 Looking for: Serious relationship
 Marital status: Never been married
 Wish children: Yes
 Most important
  things in Life:
working and be an honest
 Life Dream: when i achive my dream
 Spoken languages: English
 Written languages: English
 Zodiac Sign:
171 cm (5'7.3")
40 kg (88 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
High School/Secondary school
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Out of Sport, Football, Baseball, Golf, Basketball, Sports dancing, Swimming, Tennis, Water skiing
Forms of entertainments:
Reading, Singing, Magic, Dancing, TV, Fashion show, Fishing, Food&Drink, Playing cards
Computer Games:
Family, Action, Fighting, Sports, Board Games, Role Playing
Action, Documentary, Musical, Drama, Science Fiction, Animation, Comedy, Western
Jazz, Latin, Blues, Classical, Country, Singers, Popular, Flamenco, Top-40, Trash
Ecology, Photography, Playing an instrument, Politics, Cars, Home improvement, Science/Technics, Collecting, Cooking
Dish: cookin
Colour: white
Season: year
 My personality: I'm a straight and easy going person with a kind and gentle heart full of love..I love to travel and would love a partner to travel with me. I have been a workaholic in that past but last year I had a change of attitude and decided to live life now. I might live to be a 100 years old or my time could end tomorrow. Rather than wait and miss life I want to take advantage while I have the opportunity in front of me.
My friends coworkers will tell you that I am a shy person. I can be picky but I really believe that love is out of our control. I cannot create a spark or stop a spark. There is either a connection or not. I have met people online or via telephone conversations and they seem great but when we meet there is no chemistry or connection. It is not all about looks especially as we get older but none-the-less there has to be a physical attraction. A personality can make someone cuter or uglier as you get to know them.
Profiles help but lack personal interaction and feedback that can only come through emails if people are honest and the the true test comes at eventual Trusting each other
Long profiles are boring and we are too busy to read long drawn out introductions so I will shut up. If you want me to keep talking then send me an email and I will respond even if it is a Thanks, but no thanks.
 My match mate: well let me tell you little about me, I am looking for a good man who i can meet as friends and hopefully more than friends,
Write me a message...
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02.23 01:01:32