Women want - Elvira from Kharkiv

Elvira wants to find her life partner here

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I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!

 I'm: Woman
 Country: Ukraine
 Seeking a: Man
 Looking for: Marriage, Serious relationship
 Marital status: Divorced
Girls: 12 (ages list)
 Wish children: Yes
 Most important
  things in Life:
 Life Dream: to make a strong family
 Spoken languages: English, French, German, Russian
 Written languages: English, French, Russian, Ukrainian
 Zodiac Sign:
168 cm (5'6.1")
65 kg (144 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
4-year College/University
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Health programs, Swimming, Tennis
Forms of entertainments:
Humor, Reading, Shopping, Singing, Concerts, Theater, Dancing, Museums, Travelling, News&Media, Fashion show, Walking, Food&Drink
Computer Games:
Don`t play
Musical, Drama, Comedy, Tragedy, Detective stories
Jazz, Latin, Blues, Classical, Rock-n-roll, Opera, Disco, Pop, Tango, Popular, Flamenco
Antiques, Gardening, Psychology, Cars, Home improvement, Reading, Children, Cooking
Dish: cooked with love
Colour: red, yellow, orange
Season: winter, spring
 My personality: My name is Elvira.
I am 37 years old. I live in a big industrial city – called Kharkov. It’s a city
of high cultural standarts.

I have a daughter. Her name is Kate (or Katusha).
She is twelve. She make progress at school. Besides she is found of theatre.
We love each other very much. My daughter is very beautiful and smart girl.

I teach English at the University of Catering and Trade. Besides I work at
private school as a teacher, where my
daughter learns. I have to work a lot in order to bring up my child.

I have divorced for nine years. My parents live in wonderful and beautiful city
- Odessa. It's
a city of humor and humorists. I spent my childhood in this city. It is situated
the Black Sea. My mother is a book-keeper and my father is a sailor.
I have a sister. She is married. She has two daughters. She is a lawyer. She
lives in Odessa too, near my parents.
We have got a firm and friendly family.
I have some friends. They say I am very kind, affectionate, cheerful woman, I am
an optimist by
I like cooking, especially baking. I like backing pancakes or “blini” with meat,
curds or caviar. It's very delicious.
I like traveling very much but unfortunately I have been to foreign countries
very little.
I like theatre, reading, painting, music - classic, modern and jazz, going to
exhibitions, museums, hiking; I am fond of swimming, I go to the swimming pool
twice a week.
I often change my image. I like changing my hair style very often. I like
unusual vanguard things in art, clothes and style of life.
I prefer to spend my day off in romantic style, supper with candles and
delicious French wine.
I would like to create a firm friendly family.
 Marriage match: I’d like to meet very cultured
careful, thoughtful, noble, kind, attentive, brave man. I want that a man will
be generous “strong point” “fortress” for me.

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09.20 00:44:00