Woman looking for men - fashionme from Bronx

Single Fashionme wants to create a family.

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Alone heart

 I'm: Man
 Country: USA
Bronx Region: New York
 Seeking a: Woman
 Looking for: Marriage, Love, Serious relationship
 Marital status: Widowed
Girls: 2 22 2 (ages list)
 Wish children: No
 Most important
  things in Life:
My job
 Life Dream: Better of my family
 Spoken languages: English
 Written languages: English
Christopher Evans
 Zodiac Sign:
173 cm (5'8.1")
66 kg (146 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Native American
Environmental Engineer
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Football, Biking, Swimming
Forms of entertainments:
Reading, Shopping, Travelling, Fishing
Computer Games:
Action, Drama, Thriller, Horror
Religious, Blues, Rock, Classical, Country
 My personality: I am a very emotionally generous person with my compassion, attention, sympathies and of course, love. I give hugs to everyone. Sometimes I worry if I’m “invading their personal space” but it just comes naturally to me.I'm a happy man with a smile always on my face. I can’t help myself, I’m a “touchy, feely” kind of individual and I would need a woman who accepts this kind of man. I have this drive to want to help people feel better about life and find the good in everything. I guess it’s not a bad thing. It is how perhaps it has been with women for me. I have always been happiest when making others happy. However, as much as it is strength of mine I have found I have been an easy target to be used and walked all over. I will always give 99% percent to a relationship and desire my partner to strive to give the same in return.
 Marriage match: I desire a partner who will not swear or use inappropriate language or humor around me, or my family. In my house the word “stupid” and “shut-up” are not in used in my house(at least when I’m around). I’m sure my kids and their friend most likely use it around their friends but they know the inappropriate language is not to be used in my house or around me. All I have to do is give them the look” and they know. In a sarcastic tone they then say “please be quite!”
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03.05 02:09:14