Looking for friends - SyriusWolf from Monroe

SyriusWolf is looking for friends. Write SyriusWolf to make new friends!

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I'm here to meet a fun and outgoing person!

 I'm: Man
 Country: USA
Monroe Region: Louisiana
 Seeking a: Man
 Looking for: Friendship
 Marital status: Divorced
Boys: 9 (ages list)
 Most important
  things in Life:
My son
 Spoken languages: English
 Written languages: English
Sy Nathaniel Finnegan
 Zodiac Sign:
177 cm (5'9.7")
84 kg (186 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
High School/Secondary school
USMS Reserves and Security
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Diving, Aerobics, Fitness, Football, Go-carting, Base-jumping, Jogging/running, Martial Arts, Swimming, Bowling, Mountain climbing
Forms of entertainments:
Bars/pubs, Humor, Camping, Walking, Food&Drink, Playing cards
Computer Games:
Shooters, Arcade, Strategy, Board Games, Role Playing
Thriller, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Metal, Rock, Classical, Rock-n-roll, Electronic, Techno&Ttrance
Animals/Pets, Hiking
Dish: Anything Oriental
Colour: Dark Green
Season: Fall
 My personality: Well, let me be honest...I'm a 20 year old divorcee, and the only reason I'm on this site is to get my best friend off my back about getting back into "the game". Now, here's the better half of this section. I'm also a 20 year old fun loving guy that is a blast to hang out with, in which s.. is NOT a priority, though is always an option. I enjoy hanging out and relaxing just as much as hitting the wild side of life. I am a VERY s..ual and flirtatious guy, but I understand and respect the boundaries of every woman I meet. I am not really into one night stands, If we do have s.. in our times together, GREAT , but it won't be the last time we talk or hang out, at least not on my end of it. So if you are interested message me! If you wanna more, just ask. Nothing is "too personal" although everyone has their demons. If you are reading my profile due to a message I sent you, and you are not interested, message me telling me you are not interested. I would much rather be told to **** off and die than be ignored. Thank you!
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01.20 20:38:38