Free dating personals - WTHMN5555 from Athens

A single WTHMN5555 is seeking women for marriage.

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 I'm: Man
 Country: USA
Athens Region: Georgia
 Seeking a: Woman
 Looking for: Marriage, Serious relationship
 Marital status: Widowed
 Wish children: May be
 Spoken languages: English
 Written languages: English
Williams Perez
 Zodiac Sign:
180 cm (5'10.9")
143 kg (317 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
4-year College/University
Self employed
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Fitness, Football, Baseball, Golf, Basketball, Health programs, Hockey, Boating, Swimming, Tennis, Water skiing
Forms of entertainments:
Humor, Reading, Camping, Hunting, Shopping, Singing, Theater, Travelling, TV, Walking, Outdoor games
Computer Games:
Action, Adventure, Sports, Racing
Action, Documentary, Adventure, Thriller
Blues, Classical, Rock-n-roll, Country
Animals/Pets, Astrology, Reading, Yoga, Philosophy
 My personality: Most important to me is living a conscious, compassionate, life. This could mean helping another person, moving an insect in danger of being stepped on off a busy path, environmental activism, or just listening to a friend or acquaintance share their happiness or sadness. It could also mean forming a committed romantic relationship with another self-aware person and to use our relationship and our "imperfections" to become better people, to deepen our relationship, to truly love and care for each other, and perhaps even enrich our individual spiritual paths.
I would describe myself as self-aware, intelligent, creative, adventurous, funny, spontaneous, compassionate, emotionally generous, kindhearted, perceptive, easygoing, a good listener, physically fit, and at 54, because of all the internal work that I've done, the person who I've wanted to be my entire life. Now, that doesn't mean I'm "perfect" (my friends would laugh their heads off if they heard me claim perfection), but neither of us are perfect, and that is a good thing. Without the friction of "imperfection" I don't believe growth as a person or as a couple is possible.
So who are you, well, when I mentioned that I was dating again to my spiritual mentors, they both said "whoever she is, she better be really self-aware" so, here is what I am looking for:
That you have enough self-awareness and compassion to be able form a conscious relationship. That you are imperfect but still wonderful. That you have the courage and ability to love deeply and fully.
Good luck on your search.
 Marriage match: I don't want to sleep with everyone I meet.I do not want to play is an adventure.I am looking for a woman with old fashioned values that puts her family first...Love does not mean taking advantage of the other but rather respecting the other person Someone who is attentive to me and me to her. Some one that I enjoy being with, she puts a smile on my face just by being near her or thinking about her, I would appreciate someone who enjoys travel, who can see the beauty and wonder in small things, as well as big things. I appreciate quality over
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03.04 22:13:28