Looking for - bemy1 from Beverly Hills

Bemy1 uses dating site as a free chance to meet love online and then face-to-face

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Conquer my heart

 I'm: Man
 Country: USA
Beverly Hills Region: California
 Seeking a: Woman
 Looking for: Marriage, Friendship, Love, Serious relationship, Dating
 Marital status: Widowed
Girls: 11 (ages list)
 Wish children: May be
 Most important
  things in Life:
God, Family, Job and a good meal...
 Life Dream: To be succesful and happy with my family...
 Spoken languages: English, French
 Written languages: English, French
Marc Kohl
 Zodiac Sign:
172 cm (5'7.7")
77 kg (171 lb)
 Eyes colour:
Blue Gray
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Golf, Jogging/running, Swimming, Bowling, Chess
Forms of entertainments:
Humor, Reading, Camping, Concerts, Theater, Museums, Walking, Fishing
Computer Games:
Don`t play
Documentary, Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, Thriller, Comedy
Jazz, Alternative, Rock, Classical, Country, Pop
Animals/Pets, Antiques, Gardening, Home improvement, Reading
Dish: Thai
Colour: Pink
Season: Summer
 My personality: Why you should get to know me: I am a best friend. I am loyal, intellectually engaging and fun to be around. I am optimistic and usually see the best in all situations. I am independent and don't "need" someone to save me or pay my bills. I love my family and would love yours too. I adore reading (a house without book shelves is an empty house!) and learning new things (no one can accuse me of being static). I am generous (ask my friends), passionate (let me show you) and funny (ask anyone who knows me!). I love road trips to anywhere (usually in Arizona, California and Colorado). Do you have a special place we can go together? I particularly enjoy RV camping and socializing with people. More....I like pan popped popcorn, the smell of the desert when it rains, the beauty of a smile and the touch of a friend. I am also a professional and a PhD holder in the entrepreneurial field. I also make my way in life in a manner that may be different than you're used to. I live a full and very busy life. My "independence" definitely comes into play here. I surround myself with people who focus on my abilities. I don't dwell on my limitations and I don't have them define me..... I am also opened to new activities and adventures and also your interests counts...
 Marriage match: I am looking for first and foremost a lady with a heart, someone who smiles anytime she sets her eyes on you because she appreciates you. My significant other must be trustworthy, honest, caring, loving and family should always be a priority... Respect will be very much appreciated, a home without respect is not a good environment, I need someone I can learn from and grow old with happily ever after, I wonder if such a woman exists!
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01.28 12:52:40