Fitness singles - babeskiki from Moscow

Babeskiki wants to find her life partner here

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Be with me honest...

 I'm: Woman
 Country: Russia
 Seeking a: Man
 Looking for: Marriage, Love, Serious relationship
 Marital status: Never been married
 Wish children: Yes
 Most important
  things in Life:
family,business, health
 Life Dream: move ahead each day
 Spoken languages: English, Russian, Malay
 Written languages: English, Russian, Malay
 Zodiac Sign:
170 cm (5'6.9")
71 kg (157 lb)
 Eyes colour:
Green Brown
 Ethnic Background:
4-year College/University
sales rep
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Fitness, Football, Health programs, Sports dancing, Boating, Swimming, Mountain climbing, Tennis
Forms of entertainments:
Bars/pubs, Humor, Reading, Shopping, Internet/Surfing the web, Singing, Concerts, Dancing, Travelling, News&Media, Fashion show, Walking, Food&Drink
Computer Games:
Action, Fighting, Puzzle, Sports, Board Games
Action, Documentary, Musical, Adventure, Thriller, Comedy, Tragedy
Reggae, Religious, Blues, Rock, Pop, Rap
Photography, Business/Finance, Psychology, Cars, Reading, Children, Medicine, Cooking, Philosophy
Dish: rice
Colour: blue
Season: winter
 My personality: I am positive, assertive, selective, straight-forward, easy-going, sassy, and charismatic. I am real and I don’t promote unrealistic expectations, delusions or a “Fairy Tale Syndrome”. I take pride in my emotional awareness and the ability to attune to people’s emotions and empathize on a basic human level. I am strong-willed, in control of my own feelings and emotions more so then in touch with them. I let my relationships unfold naturally, rather then “forcing” or “working” on them. A relationship is not a car that needs to be salvaged. If it “needs” work, who wants to be in this kind of a relationship? That’s the way I look at it. Friends are fine, but ultimately I would like to meet someone who is actual relationship material.
 Marriage match: I am attracted to men who are focused, determined, emotionally unwavering, confident and powerful. Someone who can relax and enjoy the moment, but at the same time, who is challenging enough to sustain my interest. In other words, he is a man, not a boy.

Another important thing in a man is sense of humor. Cutting sarcasm, dry wit, even reducing oneself to puns, and not simply appreciating each other jokes, but also being partners in crime is an imperative attribute that needs to be present.

Last, but not least, I will not respond to any “hateful” e-mails. Amen!

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
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02.28 00:28:00