Looking for someone - gorgeoussandy from Cape

Gorgeoussandy is looking for a romantic date!

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Alone heart

 I'm: Woman
 Country: South Africa
Cape Region: Western Cape
 Seeking a: Man
 Looking for: Marriage, Friendship, Love, Serious relationship, Dating
 Marital status: Divorced
 Wish children: May be
 Spoken languages: Afrikaans, English
 Written languages: English, Afrikaans
 Zodiac Sign:
166 cm (5'5.4")
53 kg (117 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
High School/Secondary school
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Fitness, Badminton, Football, Swimming
Forms of entertainments:
Camping, Concerts
Computer Games:
Don`t play
Action, Adventure, Comedy
Jazz, Country
Dish: Italian
Colour: Blue
 My personality: I am passionate, affectionate, romantic and love to be touched, hugged, cuddled, Honest, Trust worthy, Open minded, Caring, passionate romantic, with a great sense of humor (GSOH)and I am here to see if i can find a serious and long term relationship I like Reading, watch old movies, i enjoy all kinds of music from classical, jazz, country and rock, dancing, music and cooking. I am romantic, caring vivacious, warm-hearted, open minded, responsible, family-oriented walking; dancing, watching sports and going to the beach with my special man. My life and career is dedicated to helping others. I want to have a fun with my special man, rewarding relationship based on trust, respect and I think that a relationship should start with a friendship and see where it goes from there.Why not get in touch and we see take it on.Once again thank you for visiting .
 Marriage match: I treat the man in my life very well ..I look on the bright side of things ,Look for the good in people, Look forward to a bright future .. Just as I do I enjoy the company of positive people and I like man who appreciate Kindness . I'll love to start a relationship with a man with a goal so, If you're not considering committed relationship or into head games, I'm not ready for that. I know I have a lot to offer the right person but I want it to be the right from the beginning. there is a saying that " Truth can run naked and lies have to be covered " and I try to live by it. I'm looking for someone who's honest , and trustworthy as I believe without the solid foundation of trust and honesty , no loving relationship can be built . I don't lie, cheat deceive or steal and I do not associate with those who do any of those either. I enjoy Movies, music , sports and site seeing, going to pubs and some other activities . I'm very adventurous and spontaneous so I'll try anything as long as it's good. I'm good at badminton and swimming
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09.20 06:42:25