Polyamory personals - seasea from Donetsk

Single Seasea wants to create a family.

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I will meet like-minded people

 I'm: Couple (m+f)
 Country: Ukraine
 Seeking a:
 Looking for: Marriage, Friendship, Love, Serious relationship, Pen pal, Dating, The financial help
 Marital status: Married
Girls: 8 (ages list)
 Wish children: Yes
 Most important
  things in Life:
Отдых в хорошей компании!!!
 Life Dream: Обьехать весь МИР!!!
 Spoken languages: Russian, English, Russian, English
 Written languages: Russian, English, Russian, English
He: She:
Сергей Наташа
50 45
 Zodiac Sign:
Libra/Rat Virgio/Snake
183 cm (6'0") 166 cm (5'5.4")
85 kg (188 lb) 53 kg (117 lb)
Chestnut Blond
 Eyes colour:
Hazel Hazel
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White) Caucasian (White)
Christianity Christianity
4-year College/University Junior College/Trade/Technical School
 Do you smoke?
Socially Socially
 Do you drink?
Socially Socially
Football, Swimming, Tennis
Forms of entertainments:
Bars/pubs, Dancing, Travelling, Fashion show, Fishing
Computer Games:
Action, Erotica, Comedy, Fantasy, Detective stories
Disco, Popular, Techno&Ttrance
 My personality: Мы веселая оторванная пара, и ищем таких же веселых с которыми интерестно проводить время!!! С нами не соскучишся!!!
 Marriage match: Веселых компаньеноа для совместных увеселений!!!
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09.21 11:29:32