Fitness singles - Tony from Kingston

Tony likes making new friends online. Do you want to become her penpal?

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Cherish all your happy moments: they
make a fine cushion for old age

 I'm: Man
 Country: Jamaica
 Seeking a: Woman
 Looking for: Friendship, Serious relationship, Pen pal, Dating
 Marital status: Never been married
 Wish children: Yes
 Most important
  things in Life:
My mother and family
 Life Dream: To become a successful entrepreneur and philanthropist
 Spoken languages: English
 Written languages: English
Anthony Lawrence
 Zodiac Sign:
168 cm (5'6.1")
70 kg (155 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Belief in God
4-year College/University
Stevedore Coordinator
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Aerobics, Shooting, Auto (Motorcycle)racing, Fitness, Football, Basketball, Health programs, Biking, Jogging/running, Swimming, Mountain climbing, Cricket
Forms of entertainments:
Reading, Camping, Hunting, Shopping, Internet/Surfing the web, Travelling, TV, Fashion show, Fishing, Outdoor games
Computer Games:
Family, Shooters, Action, Fighting, Adventure, Sports, Arcade, Racing, Strategy, Board Games
Action, Documentary, Adventure, Drama, Animation, Erotica, Thriller, Comedy, Fantasy, Tragedy, Detective stories
Reggae, Alternative, Blues, Classical, Pop, Rap
Animals/Pets, Business/Finance, Cars, Reading, Charity, Science/Technics, Cooking
Dish: Ackee & Salt Fish
Colour: Purple
Season: Summer
 My personality: I am a self-motivated and determine individual who strive for the best in life at all times. I take part in charity every chance I get because I strongly believe in helping the less fortunate. I am a reserve soldier and a supervisor at the port of Kingston. I love both of my jobs because I can contribute to the development of my country through both of them.
 My dating match: My ideal woman is mature, fun and adventurous. Age does not matter because maturity is in the mind. Physical appearance is not a deciding factor, true beauty lies within.
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02.24 01:49:48