Looking for someone - unomarc from Alliance

Unomarc uses dating site as a free chance to meet love online and then face-to-face

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Brave, strong, and self-sufficient man!

 I'm: Man
 Country: USA
Alliance Region: Ohio
 Seeking a: Woman
 Looking for: Marriage, Friendship, Love, Serious relationship, Pen pal, Dating
 Marital status: Divorced
Boys: 13 (ages list)
 Wish children: May be
 Spoken languages: English
 Written languages: English
 Zodiac Sign:
181 cm (5'11.3")
94 kg (208 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
High School/Secondary school
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Shooting, Auto (Motorcycle)racing, Fitness, Skiing, Football, Baseball, Golf, Biking, Tennis, Rugby
Forms of entertainments:
Bars/pubs, Humor, Camping, Hunting, Shopping, Fashion show, Walking, Fishing, Outdoor games
Computer Games:
Shooters, Action, Sports, Board Games
Action, Documentary, Musical, Adventure, Thriller, Detective stories, Horror
Country, Pop, Rap
Animals/Pets, Photography, Business/Finance, Hiking, Psychology, Home improvement, Science/Technics, Creative writing, Philosophy
Dish: Rie
Colour: brown
Season: 3
 My personality: Right now I can tell you that I'm a real person, pretty happy with life at the moment despite our economy and times, I try to treat people with respect and would love to find a new friend. Oh and beings that I hate spam.....reply with "I'm a human" on the subject line please...or somewhere in the email.. and I prefer to see A PIC. Not trying to be shallow but I want to know you are real, and also want to keep it discreet until I can get to know you.
 Marriage match: I'm looking for someone who has a strong sense of family and friends. I like to surround myself with good people and it is important that the person I'm with is grounded. Good people are hard to come by. And friendship will always come first.. I've been lucky in my life and I believe I'm been watched over. I believe I'm a good person and hope someone real is out there. I don't care if you are big or small. Usually, I like the more voluptuous type however, that doesn't mean that I won't be with someone who isn't-I'm just being real about what I like. I love skinny women, medium build woman, large women- it doesn't matter. I have trust issues. I would like someone real, someone I can feel safe with and know that I can say anything, talk about anything-fears, goals, hopes and dreams and not feel like this person will hold it against me or make me feel judged. Be real, that's all I ask. No games or drama.
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02.26 02:58:58