Looking for someone - Curtforfun from Tacoma

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Attractive and full of surprises

 I'm: Man
 Country: USA
Tacoma Region: Washington
 Seeking a: Woman
 Looking for: Marriage, Friendship, Love, Serious relationship, Dating
 Marital status: Never been married
 Wish children: Yes
 Spoken languages: English
 Written languages: English
Curtis Berkland
 Zodiac Sign:
193 cm (6'4")
89 kg (197 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
High School/Secondary school
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Go-carting, Jogging/running, Bodybuilding, Martial Arts, Weight lifting
Forms of entertainments:
Bars/pubs, Humor, Reading, Camping, Internet/Surfing the web, Concerts, Dancing, Travelling, Darts, News&Media, TV, Walking, Outdoor games, Food&Drink, Playing cards
Computer Games:
Don`t play
Action, Documentary, Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, Thriller, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Metal, Rock, Pop, Electronic, Popular, Techno&Ttrance, Top-40, Rap
Animals/Pets, Astrology, Hiking, Computers/IT, Cooking
Dish: Fried Rice
Colour: Blue
Season: Summer
 My personality: Ok a little about me I am a very nice guy, and love to spoil my partner, and am also a gentlemen. I work at Amazon full time. My hobbies are bodybuilding, running, and training in MMA. I am still doing a job I don't really enjoy doing so I am gonna get back into being a Web Designer and plan on getting started towards my career goals very soon. I can cook and would love to cook for you. I cant live without my car, phone, family, and watching movies or shows. I believe life it was you make of it and do what makes you happy and everything will just fall into place.
 Marriage match: I feel that my ideal partner should share some of the same character traits that I do. Like being kind, polite, loves to spoil there partner too, honest, and loves too cuddle. It would defiantly be a big plus for my partner to have the same interests. I am looking for someone that is slim and likes to workout. Height and hair color does not really matter. Beautiful eyes and smile are always a big plus. Age does not matter. Not a very picky guy so message me and I will respond.
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09.18 21:17:29