Looking for - ali1227 from Tunis

A single man Ali1227 is seeking marriage with a wonderful woman

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 I'm: Man
 Country: Tunisia
 Seeking a: Woman
 Looking for: Marriage, Friendship, Love, Serious relationship
 Marital status: Never been married
 Wish children: Yes
 Spoken languages: Arabic, French, English, Italian
 Written languages: Arabic, French, English, Italian
 Zodiac Sign:
188 cm (6'2")
86 kg (191 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
Junior College/Trade/Technical School
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Jogging/running, Martial Arts, Weight lifting
Forms of entertainments:
Bars/pubs, Humor, Reading
Computer Games:
Don`t play
Action, Drama, Comedy, Western
Classical, Middle Eastern
 My personality: its hard to describe oneself but if i were to say a little bit about me then i would say comprenhensively that i'm very romantic man, who has sense of humour, generous , protective , i know what i want , impulsive , responsible , charismatic, i don't care a lot about appearance as i care about finding a real mature open minded woman who needs a real man next to her not a playboy. im old fashioned man when it comes about family and i believe that family values are very important and when it comes about serious relationship between me and my woman i always like to go as far as possible from the ordniary, i'm the type of man who cares about the small details , hopeless romantic, breaker of limits , adventurous who does not believe in sience and gravity in love but reasonalble and realist when i should be. happiness and excitment along with basics like honesty and loyalty are the main reason of every successful and happy relationship. so be successful and the happiness will follow.
 Marriage match: a real family oriented woman who is looking for committed and serious relationship. ps : i don't really like shallow women and superificial people generally
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03.10 02:06:07