Personals free - Sami2727 from Addis Ababa

Single Sami2727 wants to create a family.

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Be with me honest...

 I'm: Man
 Country: Ethiopia
Addis Ababa
 Seeking a: Woman
 Looking for: Marriage
 Marital status: Never been married
 Wish children: May be
 Most important
  things in Life:
To gat true marrid
 Life Dream: To get true marrid
 Spoken languages: English, Afrikaans
 Written languages: English, Afrikaans
Samsom gizaw
 Zodiac Sign:
190 cm (6'2.8")
70 kg (155 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
4-year College/University
International postal system
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Football, Health programs, Tennis
Forms of entertainments:
Reading, Internet/Surfing the web, Museums, News&Media
Computer Games:
Family, Action, Adventure, Racing
Action, Documentary, Adventure, Science Fiction, Comedy
Jazz, Reggae, Rock, Country
Photography, Business/Finance, Reading, Science/Technics, Computers/IT
Dish: Mbc2
Colour: I don t
 My personality: My character is i thinkn it is good and my major achivement in my life is to get true marrid and olso i can't live without true love, job,and to imerove my live intermes of job education and etc--- my life police is socaibel i want to change my life by my job and by marrid to get true marrid i want spend my free time to relax my selif by music beach games and etc my favourat music is mahicle jakeson music intermes of movies american actione movies and sespance and olos someny books i love my job becouse i am satesify to do my job and i like cooking not only cooking i want cooke somting to eat that i am happy ok? The most inportante things in feirndsihp is true love,honest,and secrefied each others i hope you underistand what i am say?
 Marriage match: Intremese of name does't matter it can be any name ok? Actualy all intrerste my partener is not similar ok but something must similar but for me doesn't matter in termes of physical apperance i want body weight body, shape is ateractive and hair color is my intreste is belak or wihte or beulo acording of age belwo or nerst to me ok? Intermese of character i want good, honest,and true lovers and soon ok?
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03.07 06:40:48