Free dating personals - waddooica from Toronto

Waddooica wants to find his life partner here

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A unique person

 I'm: Man
 Country: Canada
Toronto Region: Ontario
 Seeking a: Woman
 Looking for: Marriage, Friendship, Love, Serious relationship
 Marital status: Divorced
Boys: 23 (ages list)
 Wish children: No
 Most important
  things in Life:
My Son My Partner.
 Life Dream: To be happily married for the rest of my ife.
 Spoken languages: English
 Written languages: English
 Zodiac Sign:
170 cm (5'6.9")
82 kg (182 lb)
 Eyes colour:
Blue Gray
 Ethnic Background:
Junior College/Trade/Technical School
 Do you smoke?
Trying to quit
 Do you drink?
Out of Sport, Shooting, Badminton, Go-carting, Bowling, Chess
Forms of entertainments:
Humor, Reading, Camping, Internet/Surfing the web, Museums, Travelling, Darts, TV, Fishing, Food&Drink, Playing cards
Computer Games:
Family, Shooters, Action, Fighting, Simulation, Adventure, Puzzle, Sports, Arcade, Racing, Strategy, Board Games, Role Playing
Action, Documentary, Musical, Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, Animation, Erotica, Thriller, Comedy, Fantasy, Tragedy, Detective stories, Horror, Western
Reggae, Alternative, Blues, Metal, Rock, Classical, Rock-n-roll, Country, Disco, Pop, Electronic, Popular, Techno&Ttrance, Punk, Top-40, Folk
Animals/Pets, Antiques, Astrology, Graphic arts/Drawing, Psychology, Cars, Home improvement, Reading, Charity, Science/Technics, Children, Law/Jurisprudence, Sexology, Computers/IT, Cooking, Creative writing, Philosophy
Dish: Special Rice
Colour: Pink (duh)
Season: Summer
 My personality: 420 observant, If you are seriously looking to actually connect, please, by all means feel free to message me, you'll find l'm an extremely easy person to talk to. l give great phone/hugs/smooches, and don't need a bag to carry a tune. Don't seek center stage, not a drama fan. My shy is often initially misconstrued but l warm up alarmingly fast haha, (#warned), and I do joke around a lot, l am private and mature, kid friendly, pet tested, and mother in law approved. I'm house broken, and potty trained. I'm sensitive, gentle, attentive and passionate, good natured, easy going, considerate, thoughtful, tolerant, and forgiving, very romantic. I believe in kisses for no reason, stolen hugs, random acts of affection, holding hands. Respect factors very big in my character, I gave up deceit when l was 19, being entirely TOO honest, and it's been hell ever since. I'm true, loyal, faithful, monogamous, prefer stability and seek commitment. I'm one of those 'hard wired' for a partnership. I've had my heart broken a couple times but I remain a hopeful romantic, a veritable knight in dented armor.

If we don't click, l won't pester you. l appreciate the same in return please and thank you. l am too mature for any of that nonsensical crapola. l'm a writer, illustrator, graphic designer, and hopeful romantic. Is it in poor taste to mention exceptional oral skills? if so, whoops, it's out there now. ;op

I will always:
1. Look you in the eyes when I talk to you.
2. Kiss you in front of my friends.
3. Do whatever it takes to make you laugh.
4. Watch your favorite movie with you.
5. Stay up all night with you when you're sick.
6. Look at you like you're the only woman I see.
7. Make you the last thing I think of before I go to sleep & the first thing I think of when I wake up.
8. Be grateful for calls in the middle of the night because it means you're thinking about me.
9. Let you take all the naked pictures of me you want.
10. Fall asleep in your arms.
11. Never go to bed angry.
12. Get drunk with you while we plot revenge on your betrayers.
13. Accept you when you can't accept yourself.
14. Tell you how beautiful you are to me, when you can't look yourself in the mirror.
15. Try to be the wind beneath your wings.
16. Forsake all others before you.
17. Put your pleasure before mine.
18. Tell you "I love you" in front of 'the guys'.
19. Hold your hand in public.
20. Give you a nightly foot massage.
Ok that last one's for me haha :o) and as it turns out, a deal breaker, sorry :o)

I see the painting on the blank canvas,
I see the sculpture in the log,
I see the statue in the marble,
I see the person,
I believe in love at first sight,

The way is open to a long term, sincere, genuine, monogamous, romantic, future filled with humor, love, respect and equality, . . . . Are You Ready?

pls be serious,
I am
l have current pics posted, please include one with your reply. (supermodels please refrain)
Age is a number, maturity matters more, race or religion is of NO concern
I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night.
I WILL reply to all who respond.
Skype:- waddooicare
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03.07 02:35:06