Looking for - Bowdy1972 from Brisbane

A single man Bowdy1972 is seeking a nice woman for marriage.

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A unique person

 I'm: Man
 Country: Australia
Brisbane Region: Queensland
 Seeking a: Woman
 Looking for: Marriage, Love, Serious relationship
 Marital status: Divorced
Girls: 19,23 (ages list)
 Wish children: May be
 Most important
  things in Life:
My children, integrity, love, honesty
 Life Dream: Cure homelessness globally
 Spoken languages: English, Italian
 Written languages: English
 Zodiac Sign:
183 cm (6'0")
89 kg (197 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Native American
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Diving, Auto (Motorcycle)racing, Skiing, Snowboarding, Biking, Jogging/running, Surfing, Swimming, Mountain climbing
Forms of entertainments:
Concerts, Theater, Dancing, Museums, Travelling, News&Media, Food&Drink
Computer Games:
Don`t play
Action, Documentary, Adventure, Science Fiction, Comedy
Jazz, Latin, Blues, Rock, Classical, Country, Opera, Pop, Popular, Top-40
Animals/Pets, Photography, Business/Finance, Cars, Home improvement, Reading, Ice skating, Science/Technics, Creative writing, Philosophy
Dish: Italian
Colour: Blue
Season: Fall
 My personality: A wise person once told me that a person considers their own journey before looking for somone to share it with, Me?

I am still on my journey, experiencing as much as possible, sharing, learning, laughing and experiencing as much life as possible and making sure it just not too complicated.

Hmmm, only 3648 characters left, What would my friends tell you, Oh thats right this is supposed to be honest, can't tell you what they would say, that would make this a bit difficult cause they think I am a bit daft, But only on days that end in Y!!!

I'm not going to say any more because thats like getting a good book and going to the last chapter, you get the jist of it but miss out on the adventure! I am wise, smart, balanced and loving.. I live in Australia but travel a lot with my business and work.. I love the US and am there a lot for sport, I have family in South Carolina... And I just make sure I have balance between fun and business.. I Will eventually move from Aus to the US and still travel between the two... Currently bouncing between the US, Aus and the Philippines for work.. Life is a total adventure... So if you want to know the whole story...

Guess you will just have to write to me and see!!!

Go on, just a line or two!!
 Marriage match: She's confident, s..y, spontaneous, courageous, loves with passion, loyal, and walks as my equal, in life and love.. I'm a hopeless romantic, that's why I moved from the city to the beach...

I'm inspired by laughter, someone who is able to hold a conversation with a complete stranger and leave them smiling.. I am drawn to woman who know what they want in life and love life's adventure.. I'm searching for the one.. A real soulmate..
Write me a message...
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02.25 04:27:25