Fitness singles - m_lawrice from Costa Mesa

M_lawrice is ready for online dating experience.

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Hope to meet my match here

 I'm: Man
 Country: USA
Costa Mesa Region: California
 Seeking a: Woman
 Looking for: Love, Serious relationship, Dating
 Marital status: Never been married
 Wish children: Yes
 Most important
  things in Life:
family, friends & love,
 Life Dream: the greatest phillantropist
 Spoken languages: English, French
 Written languages: English, French
Morgan Lawrice
 Zodiac Sign:
179 cm (5'10.5")
87 kg (193 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
4-year College/University
Modelling and humanitarianism
 Do you smoke?
Trying to quit
 Do you drink?
Fitness, Football
Forms of entertainments:
Humor, Reading, Singing, Dancing, Outdoor games
Computer Games:
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Horror
Blues, Pop, Rap
Business/Finance, Psychology, Cars, Charity, Children, Cooking, Philosophy
Dish: macaroni
Colour: army green
Season: winter
 My personality: hey there, my name is morgan lawrice. i am 28 years old. i am a modele by profession and a humanitarian by heart. i am bilingual, i speak french and english. i also have dual nationality but i'm french by birth. i am a simple person. i live life in a way that i have no regrets or take backs in any decision i make. i'm not perfect but i try my best. i always wanted to be a model but becoming a humanitarian was a huge step for me. i have always loved to help people in every situation, but when i became a humanitarian i discovered that there are so many things about humanitarianism that the average man or woman have no idea about. so i took up the challenge. now i go to different continents saving lives with my group but i always find time for work. as for work, being a model was in my dna so it's always fun when im working. i cant write the full story of my life but if you are interested, just message me. contrary to public opinion, i am not the stereotype model. i am quite open and friendly. lol.
 My dating match: it's simple. understanding. i desire someone who has a great amount of understanding because most relationships fall out due to lack of understanding from either one or both sides.
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03.10 14:39:07