Women looking for men - ES_Asty from Vilnius

A single woman ES_Asty is seeking marriage with a man of her dreams...

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Looking for my soul mate

 I'm: Woman
 Country: Lithuania
 Seeking a: Man
 Looking for: Marriage, Serious relationship
 Marital status: Divorced
 Wish children: No
 Most important
  things in Life:
 Life Dream: Найти своё счастье/To find the happiness
 Spoken languages: Russian
 Written languages: Russian
 Zodiac Sign:
157 cm (5'1.8")
67 kg (148 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
Junior College/Trade/Technical School
Продавец/The seller
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Out of Sport
Forms of entertainments:
Reading, Shopping, Singing, Concerts, Theater, Museums, Travelling, TV, Walking
Computer Games:
Don`t play
Documentary, Musical, Adventure, Drama, Animation, Comedy, Tragedy, Detective stories
Alternative, Classical, Opera, Singers, Disco, Tango, Popular, Top-40, Folk
Gardening, Hiking, Home improvement, Reading
Dish: Вкусное/Tasty
Colour: Зелёный/Green
Season: Лето/Summer
 My personality: I adore to go to a wood, on the nature, to collect mushrooms and berries. It is pleasant to work in a garden. With tenderness I concern about animals. I love music, quiet. I like pleasant ancient castles and every beautiful thing.
I have a grandson. His name is Richard, of 9 years old. He is fond of scuba diving from 3 years, in 7 years has won 3 place in category Е on a distance of 25 m
for 0.22.44, in 9 years acting in the city of Vilnius has received the diploma for good technics on navigation, has won 1 place in category Е on a distance of 50 m
for 0.39.02, has won 3 place in category Е on a distance of 25 m
for 0.17.51, has won 3 place in a snatch and a bronze medal.
I also have a grand daughter, Sandra, 8 years. She is fond of sports acrobatics from 6 years, in 6 y.o. she won 3 place acting in the three of a children's category, in 7 y.o. won 3 place and 1 place acting in other three on 3 categories, in 8 years won 2 place acting in other three on 3 categories.
 Marriage match: Decent, gentle, kind, without material problems which sure of himself and the future, dreaming to create strong family, your appearance isn't of great importance for me.
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03.10 05:55:22