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Russia Christian pen pals

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Be with me honest...
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 128 lb
Important: love and family
to meet my only one
in correspondence
Looking for: tall, attractive, reliable, a gentleman
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Perhaps I`m the woman you have
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Important: comfortable state of mind
friendly family
I am pretty, good brunette. I have a slender, privlektelnaya figure. I work in the field of health, love my job. Dream of a happy and strong family, I...
Looking for: I want to meet a kind, careful, honest and interesting man 30-46 years old, a little above my growth, preferably with the sporting body. I hope that h...
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What is a real friendship - a single soul in two bodies
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Important: People I love and my friends, next thing is success
Find true love and best friends all over the world
A bit off the sport balance still athletic. Trying to get a grip on myself. Always got annoyed by the signes alike ("something that makes you attracti...
Looking for: I see my partner with dark hair and brown eyes. BUT actually no special preferences. It depends on each and every person.
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You are never too old to set another
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Important: smile and self- perfection =))
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My life is brilliant, because I love it!!!
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Be with me honest...
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Looking for: ×åëîâåêà ,êîòîðûé òî÷íî çíàåò ,÷òî îí õî÷åò îò æèçíè.ÿ ëþáëþ ðîìàíòè÷íûõ ìóæ÷èí ,ìóæ÷èí ,êîòîðûå ëþáÿò äåëàòü, ïîäàðêè õîòü íà ìíãíîâåíüå îíè ñòàíîâÿò...
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Attractive and full of surprises
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I want to discover myself in your heart
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Active lifestyle, traveling, open-minded friendly people, mountains, surfing, Brazil, glög, sun, forest, “Moskva” bookstore, cappuccino, sky, Bal...
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Looking for a real friend
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Important: to visit another country
Hello! My name Katya. I work as the hairdresser now. I`m 26 I years old the rather attractive man. I like dialogue with the people. I listen to vari...
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Alone heart
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Important: health relatives
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Attractive and full of surprises
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I'm Russian MAN, who want find friends from other country:)
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I very cheerful women, love jokes, laughter and fun! My friends who at me much, speak, that with me is impossible to become miss. I hope, that it is v...
Looking for: I search good for the man with which I could connect all further life. As he should be cheerful provided with the man. With which I shall be as behin...
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I am optimistic, cheerful, romantic and...
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I hope to meet you!!!
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Important: ñòàáèëüíîñòü
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I am looking for someone really serious,
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Important: honest and respect
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my life principle is being honest with yourself and with peole who trust on you and who believe in you...
Looking for: i would like to meet someone who is trustful and caress...who has similar principals
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No limits.....
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Important: Æèçíü
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Be with me honest...
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Important: ìíîãî ÷åãî...
íå îäíà....
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Looking for: Íàñòîÿùåãî ìóæ÷èíó-çàáîòëèâîãî,âíèìàòåëüíîãî,äîáðîãî,íåæíîãî....è ò.ä
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I will present you a whole world,
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Important: âçàèìíûå ëþáîâü, äóøåâíîå ñïîêîéñòâèå, ìàòåðèàëüíûé äîñòàòîê, êàðüåðíûé ðîñò.
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Èðèíà, 26 ëåò. Îáðàçîâàííàÿ, êîììóíèêàáåëüíàÿ, ñåêñóàëüíàÿ, îáàÿòåëüíàÿ, ñèìïîòíî-ïóõëåíüêàÿ áëîíäèíêà. Èìåþ â/î, êâàðòèðó, ñ ÷/þ, áåç âðåäíûõ ïðèâû÷å...
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Important: ñåìüÿ
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I am looking for someone really serious,
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I am optimistic, cheerful, romantic and...
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