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Looking for person from North America, men

Are you looking for person in your area or world wide, you will meet good people from North America at MeetingLand. Men. Page #20051011000518.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+

Leon at free online dating site

 200 lb
i am about as honest as the day is long, i truely believe that a person is only as good as thier word. just be honest i like to take walks and i lov...
Looking for: honesty and dedication
   Leo men, leon from Bartlesville

Sam at free online dating site

Sam' online personals photo
 173 lb
Sports, sports , sports!!! I am passionate about playing tennis and try ot play atleast once a week.
Looking for: Fun-loving person with a great sense of humor; a friend and confidante for life that can be loved and trusted.
   Asian american women - Sam from Providence

Romeo at free online dating site

Romeo' online personals photo
 184 lb
Romeo' online personals photo 2  
Im quiet in public except around friends or when I feel comfortable. Im funny, sweet, and just a nice guy to know but wild too! Weight train 3 days a...
Looking for: Someone whos sweet, kind, understanding, and good hearted and just a fun person
   Woman looking for a man - Romeo from Houston

Jose at free online dating site

 240 lb
I am a pretty low key person. I like to just hang out, have fun, eat. I talk to everyone, sometimes even to the point where my friends accuse me of ...
Looking for: First and foremost a person has to love God. Has to be open to new spiritual experiences. Willing to follow where God leads. I put a high value on f...
   Aries men, jose from Pasadena

James at free online dating site

James' online personals photo
 186 lb
Calm, some say gentle looking, understanding and agood listener
Looking for: Someone who is caring, understanding, must be able to look at the inside of a person
   Asian american women - James from Houston

Regan at free online dating site

 148 lb
I am very outgoing, but also am a very good listener. I have experienced a lot in my life and am always willing to help others. I am usually pretty ea...
Looking for: Someone who is honest and caring and makes me a better person as a whole. Also someone who can help me to grow in my walk with Jesus.
   Aries men, Regan from Nashville

Jeff at free online dating site

 200 lb
Looking for: I am looking for a person who is intelligent, caring, passionate, fun to be around and holds God close to their heart.
   Looking for - Jeff from Dartmouth

Christopher at free online dating site

christopher' online personals photo
 148 lb
I'm a kinda person, modest, outgoing, romantic, and a little crazy at times. To please me ppl can just be them selfs. I LOVE TO SNOWBOARD, I also rid...
Looking for: I'm looking for someone smart, funny, likes to talk and listen(if needed), and doesn't mind if I take and do something dumb or hurt my self playing sp...
   Looking for - christopher from London

Tony at free online dating site

 193 lb
I'm a good person. Get to know me. ( I hate all these questions) Love all kinds of sports
Looking for: I'm looking for someone who is happy with themself and enjoys life.
   Looking for a man - Tony from Houston

A at free online dating site

 208 lb
If people want to please me, they can do my bidding ;) - Why do I think this is NOT going to happen :) first date conversation
   Leo men, A from Calgary

Paul at free online dating site

 208 lb
I am an outgoing person, I would say I'm fun to be around. Others would tell you I am a caring, giving person who would bend over backward to help ano...
Looking for: I believe commitment, honesty, and communication are a priority. These qualities are closely followed by being a caring, loving and faith driven perso...
   Aries men, Paul from Erie

Tony at free online dating site

Tony' online personals photo
 204 lb
What is your personality like? How would others describe you? What is your favorite peeve? What can people do to please you? I am a driven person. Wh...
Looking for: What qualities are you looking for in a mate? Which ones do you value most? The most important is that she loves God.
   Looking for - Tony from Pittsburgh

Jose at free online dating site

 182 lb
As controlled person. Formal in talking way, consistent I jogging, I work in my farm on weekends. I pretend go to gym
Looking for: Honesty, loyalty and Love to God facts.
   Capricorn men, Jose from Merida

Keith at free online dating site

Keith' online personals photo
 177 lb
Positive, easy going, laid back, and everything is all or nothing. I love following the stock market and trading. I love spending time playing sport...
Looking for: Positive person, smart, physically active, attractive
   Libra men, Keith from Houston

David at free online dating site

David' online personals photo
 144 lb
I joke all the time. But you'd have to be willing to open me up first. I tend to be shy in first-time encounters but once I get accustomed to a person...
Looking for: Someone who is willing to laugh at my corny jokes is good enough for me!
   Libra men, David from Indianapolis

Daniel at free online dating site

 213 lb
Everyone would describe me as somebody that is honest and tells it like it is and someone that is a very funny person. I love Bowling, sitting and ta...
Looking for: I would like to find someone that likes to laugh and isnt judgemental like many people are today.
   Capricorn men, Daniel from Loveland

Cherry at free online dating site

 91 lb
Id like to have many friends /or to be friendly they respect me.. reading magazen, bible, all litereture of jehovah's witnesess bible games...
Looking for: the person who believe in god. and put god first in here life as a servant
   Looking for person - cherry from Houston

Bryan at free online dating site

Bryan' online personals photo
 217 lb
Bryan' online personals photo 2  
Music, Cars
Looking for: A proverbs woman. And out going people person. Someone who loves to laugh. A woman who really knows herself and is not afraid to be open. a person tha...
   Men looking for women - Bryan from San Antonio

Paul at free online dating site

Paul' online personals photo
 180 lb
Paul' online personals photo 2  
: Smiles! My Friends tell me I have a very balanced personality and lifestyle. I believe in making room in life to relax, traveling, and have fun, I a...
Looking for: I am looking for someone who understands the balance between taking care of responsibilities and enjoying life to the fullest! I'm wanting a person w...
   Looking for - Paul from Slidell

Philip at free online dating site

 180 lb
friendly and talkative. honest and a great freind when you need him. big egoes. show respect. I like to read novels and go to the movies. I run and I...
Looking for: considerate, supportive, strong minded person,
   Aries men, philip from Toronto

Ryan at free online dating site

 173 lb
I consider myself to be an outgoing person, polite, fun and energetic, a great sense of humor, love to make people laugh, I can be sporatic at times. ...
Looking for: Honesty, committment, communication, unconditional love
   Asian american women - Ryan from Houston

Gary at free online dating site

 193 lb
1. Easy going, kind, good listner, a bit sky 2. As a good person how cares about others. 3. Those whom take others for granted. 4. Be considerate &...
Looking for: 1. Honesty, warmth, kindness, affection compassion, understanding , consideration, appreciation, sensitivity, sensuality 2. All of above
   Woman looking for men - Gary from Vancouver

Jason at free online dating site

I hope to meet you!!!
Jason' online personals photo
 148 lb
Important: Working and skateboarding!
I a very outgoing and love to hang out with people and make new freinds. I love talking to people, and that is why I think I love bartending so much....
Looking for: I am looking for a woman with big heart, is sweet and caring, and is just fun to spend time with!
   Looking for - Jason from Spokane

Mike at free online dating site

Mike' online personals photo
 188 lb
I can be shy at first glance but after I feel comfortable with my surroundings I loosen up quite a bit and am very social. I am very outgoing person ...
Looking for: The most important qualities that matter to me above all else is Integrity, Loyalty, and Honesty. A relationship can only succeed in my opinion when ...
   Looking for person - Mike from Fayetteville

Jay at free online dating site

Jay' online personals photo
 191 lb
Looking for: Christian, family person. Everything else Im open to
   Christian personals - Jay from Houston

Tamiru at free online dating site

 173 lb
A man of faith. Reading, My favourate thing to keep in shape I think is my faith. My favorite game is chess.
Looking for: Understanding and fun to chat with, I very much like a person not bounded by her corner of eye.
   Looking for person - Tamiru from Alexandria

Kenneth at free online dating site

 193 lb
I am outgoing but a private person. People describe me as funny and easy to talk to. Writing is my favorite hobby. Acting is second although I have n...
Looking for: Deep love of God. Holiness. Loves to write. Reader
   Senior personals - Kenneth from Houston

Gavin at free online dating site

Gavin' online personals photo
 162 lb
Gavin' online personals photo 2  
I'm a people person and love hanging out and being with others. I'm an optimistic person an am respectful of others. I'd like to think I have a good s...
Looking for: I'm looking for someone who loves the Lord with all their heart and places Him first above any guy. Also, she is genuine, smart, funny, honest, and ha...
   Looking for someone - Gavin from Irvine

Charles at free online dating site

 177 lb
I am very outgoing. My pet peeve is people that always say the Bible says not to judge. People loving God first in their life and being obedient to H...
Looking for: I am looking for a Proverbs 31: 10-31 woman. I am looking for someone who's first love is the Lord and has a driving Passion to daily take up their cr...
   Looking for someone - Charles from Houston

Tyson at free online dating site

 177 lb
I am this force of love and affection mixed into the body of a xtreme sports athelet. with tendences to go punk rock on people. I love to work on stu...
Looking for: A girl that is sweet and nice and looks at people on the inside instead of on the out. Some one who likes to work with kids teens and older people. A...
   Aries men, Tyson from Houston

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