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Women looking for men from Turkey

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Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+

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 142 lb
   Women looking for men from Turkey, OLGA

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 128 lb
Important: Love respect honesty
A man of honour I want to meet
I am A typical working woman who loves comming to A Loving family. Not ugly but not So Wowww Either. A Good cook, A Good mother, and want to move away...
Looking for: Im looking for A man who loves to be A part of one woman, possitive and knows the Good from the bad.
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I`m your sweet dreams
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Important: selam
Selam,burda olmamin nedeni ciddi ileriye donuk dusunuyorum,niyetim hayirli huzurlu yuva kurmak tabi dogru insani bulabilirsem eyer ciddi olan varsa ba...
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Alone heart
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 131 lb
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Important: Fearing God,honesty,serious minded
To be comfortable
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Alone heart
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 126 lb
Important: sayigi sevgi durustluk
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slm dilek ben yurdisnda kaliyorum ana okul oretemnim aslen samsunluyum ileirye donu ilsiki ariyorum arayin konuslim taniyalim bir brizm sayigalri...
Looking for: en onemlis allahtan korkan birni isyorum sayigiya sevgiye onem vern kis olmsin isterim
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Alone heart
 151 lb
Important: to be natural,humanist and be free to be myself..
open the road to help others
ibelive on our Great GOD..i am happy and proud that he allow me to belive and love him..i studied good enough to work with succes and help to companie...
Looking for: natural,humanist and helpful..
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merhaba ben sibel yunandayim kucukyasta buraya goc ettik ve artik 28 yasindayim tr ye gitmek isterim bana sahip cikacak bir es adayi aramaktayim bana ...
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 111 lb
Important: joy...freedom....happines
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I`m cheerful and purposeful person
 153 lb
Important: my children, my job
to find the love of my life
Looking for: I am looking for the person who would be the true man in its full meaning, very strong by character, but honest, generouse, sensitive and attentive on...
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 171 lb
Important: Family and job
If u are not flying to love, why do u need Wing
I believe in real love, I haven t met him yet, but I know love is somewhere in the world . I live in Istanbul and work in a bank, have a good carrier,...
Looking for: Actually there s no any type , I mean it s about feeling something to face to face, I am looking for someone who is look like me,
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 Blue Green
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Don`t doubt, believe and understand...
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 140 lb
Important: my family and friends
I don't want to write. It belongs to me :)
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Let`s be friends
 117 lb
Important: family
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