Local personals, Belarus
Local personals Belarus means you can find people near you by location. Meeting Land offers a variety of free services for local personals. Page #19900101000537.
| 57 |
| Leo |
| 5'1" |
| 106 lb |
| Blue Gray | |
Ìèí÷àíêà, ìèíèàòþðíàÿ, íåæíàÿ, ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíàÿ, îáàÿòåëüíàÿ,
âûãëÿæó ìîëîæå ñâîèõ ëåò, èíòåðåñû ðàçíûå. Looking for:
Æåëàþ ïîçíàêîìèòüñÿ ñî ñâîáîäíûì, ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíûì ìóæ÷èíîé.
| 37 |
| Virgio |
| 5'4.6" |
| 122 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: love and family I am a first-year student at
the University. I like to work intellectually (write poems, like
I like to travel very much. I adore doing ... Looking
for: I look for a man: sporting, independent, competent,
tactful, with good sense of humour, is good company and well
| 40 |
| Libra |
| 5'4.6" |
| 102 lb |
| Gray | |
Important: family I am a student.
I am energetic rather intelligent,patient,calm and never lose my
Looking for: You are well-built and extremely strong and
always full of life and energy very attentive,kind,serious.
Important: Âçàèìîïîíèìàíèå, äîâåðèå,
äðóæáà,ëþáîâü Looking for: ß õîòåëà áû ïîçíàêîìèòüñÿ ñ
íàäåæíûì, ñèëüíûì è ìóæåñòâåííûì ìóæ÷èíîé
| 42 |
| Virgio |
| 5'3" |
| 106 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: Friendship and love T to visit Texas one
day I am an ordinary girl.I enjoy the simple things in life and
i am searching for true love. Looking for: Nice caring
person i can always rely on.
| 56 |
| Virgio |
| 5'4.2" |
| 128 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: çäîðîâüå ñ÷àñòüå Ëþáëþ æèçíü, äðóçåé,
òåïëî, ìóçûêó è òàíöû.
I like life, friends, warmly, music and dances.
Looking for: Åñòü áîëüøîå æåëàíèå âñòðåòèòü óìíîãî
ìóæ÷èíó ñ õîðîøèì ÷óâñòâîì þìîðà.
There is a big desire to meet clever the man with good sense of
| 55 |
| Leo |
| 5'4.2" |
| 128 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: çäîðîâüå ñ÷àñòüå ß, Ìàðãàðèòà.
Ìîé äåíü ðîæäåíèÿ 10 àâãóñòà.
Ìîÿ ñòðàíà Áåëàðóñü è ñòàðûé ãîðîä Ãðîäíî, ãäå ÿ æèâó.
Ãîðîä ñòàð, íî ÿ ìîëîäà è êðàñèâà.
Ëþáëþ æè... Looking for: Åñòü áîëüøîå æåëàíèå âñòðåòèòü
óìíîãî ìóæ÷èíó ñ õîðîøèì ÷óâñòâîì þìîðà.
There is a big desire to meet clever the man with good sense of