Local personals Belarus means you can find people near you by location. Meeting Land offers a variety of free services for local personals.
| 43 |
| Virgio |
| 5'4.6" |
| 128 lb |
| Blue Gray | |
| 34 |
| Scorpio |
| 5'10.9" |
| 204 lb |
| Green | |
| 26 |
| Leo |
| 5'8.9" |
| 146 lb |
| Green | |
Important: Не
I'm looking for a beautiful person both inside and outside
| 28 |
| Sagittarius |
| 5'11.3" |
| 177 lb |
| Green | |
Important: Ñòàòü øåô-ïîâàðîì è êóïèòü øåâðàëå êàìàðî èëè
ôîðä ìóñòàíã.
Active and cheerful :-)
| 23 |
| Gemini |
| 6'1.6" |
| 100 lb |
| Brown | |
незнаю да
| 45 |
| Taurus |
| 5'8.1" |
| 164 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: çäîðîâüå è ñåìüÿ ñåìüÿ èìåþ ãðóïïó
èíâàëèäíîñòè ÄÖÏ ëåãêàÿ ôîðìà Looking for: æåíùèíó äëÿ
ñîçäàíèÿ ñåìüè
| 34 |
| Aries |
| 5'9.3" |
| 160 lb |
| Gray | |
Newcomer on a dating scene
| 47 |
| Gemini |
| 5'8.9" |
| 217 lb |
| Blue Gray | |
Important: my sun
| 28 |
| Libra |
| 5'6.9" |
| 155 lb |
| Blue Gray | |
Important: ñåìüþ.äðóçüÿ.ëþáîâü
| 37 |
| Aries |
| 5'10.9" |
| 182 lb |
| Hazel | |
Active and cheerful :-)
| 32 |
| Pisces |
| 5'9.3" |
| 144 lb |
| Gray | |
Important: Family have a great family
| 26 |
| Pisces |
| 5'3" |
| 111 lb |
| Blue | |
| 43 |
| Libra |
| 5'9.3" |
| 168 lb |
| Green | |
| 43 |
| Sagittarius |
| 6'0" |
| 180 lb |
| Blue Green | |
| 43 |
| Virgio |
| 5'6.9" |
| 128 lb |
| Blue | |
Important: ñàìîðåàëèçàöèÿ ïðè âñòðå÷å
Time cures of grief
| 60 |
| Scorpio |
| 5'4.2" |
| 126 lb |
| Blue | |
Important: èäòè â ïåð¸ä ðàáîòà. çàíèìàþñü ëå÷åáíîé
ìóçûêîé, ñêóëüïòóðîé, æèâîïèñüþ, ñíèìàþñü â êèíî, è ìíîãî äðóãèõ
óâëå÷åíèé. ãëàâíîå íå ñèäåòü íà ìåñòå Looking for:
íåæíóþ, ëàñêîâóþ, ïîíèìàþùóþ
Attractive, stable, independant...
| 30 |
| Scorpio |
| 5'11.7" |
| 160 lb |
| Blue | |
Important: äîâåðèå
For interesting and pleasant communication
| 47 |
| Aquarius |
| 5'6.1" |
| 182 lb |
| Gray | |
Important: Óâàæåíèå,ïîíèìàíèå,äîâåðèå îñîáî íå
ìå÷òàþ íåóíûâàþùàÿ,â ìåðó âåñåëàÿ Looking for:
îáùèòåëüíîãî, èíòåðåñíîãî ,
| 62 |
| Gemini |
| 5'9.7" |
| 177 lb |
| Hazel | |
Common man, calm and balanced, different interests Looking
for: good, gentle and intelligent girl without a past
intimate, no bad habits
Inspire me, please!
| 57 |
| Aquarius |
| 5'6.9" |
| 177 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: love and understanding to live, love and
understand Live in the world and I contemplate it. Breathe and
breathe can't look and can not see a lot. I live and enjoy
everything. I'm alive again, what could... Looking for:
Not full, kind, understanding
Where are you, my beloved one?
| 28 |
| Libra |
| 5'6.9" |
| 113 lb |
| Green | |
Important: Ñåìüÿ,ðàáîòà,è ðîäíûå Ïîëåòåòü â
êîñìîñ Óâëåêàþñü ïåíèåì, èãðîé â ïîêåð, è ñîáèðàþ ìàðêè, è
ëþáëþ ãóëÿòü ïî ãîðîäó.Ïèøèòå áóäó ðàä çíàêîìñòâó.Âîò ìîé ñêàéï
sàshà44554 âê Looking for: Èùó äîáðóþ, êðàñèâóþ,
ñêðîìíóþ, è ìèëóþ äåâóøêó.
To be or not to be?..
| 37 |
| Aquarius |
| 5'5" |
| 188 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: ñåìüÿ,äåòè
| 42 |
| Cancer |
| 5'8.9" |
| 155 lb |
| Blue | |
To be or not to be?..
| 48 |
| Cancer |
| 5'9.7" |
| 155 lb |
| Blue Green | |
Important: ïðèíöèïèàëüíîñòü ìå÷òû - ýòî
óòîïèÿ. Ñïîêîéíûé, ñåðüåçíûé, ðîìàíòè÷íûé Looking for:
Äåâóøêó íå ñêëîííóþ ê ïîëíîòå.
Be with me honest...
| 43 |
| Gemini |
| 5'10.1" |
| 208 lb |
| Blue | |
Important: ñàìà æèçíü Äîáðûé âåñåëûé ïðîñòîé
ïàðåíü. Looking for: Èùó òîãî êòî ïîëþáèò ìåíÿ òàêèì
êàêîé ÿ åñòü.
| 36 |
| Scorpio |
| 5'10.9" |
| 151 lb |
| Blue | |
I am looking for someone really serious, kind and with positive life attitude!
| 41 |
| Cancer |
| 6'3.6" |
| 200 lb |
| Blue | |
Important: trust and understanding Have not come true,
| 31 |
| Taurus |
| 5'6.1" |
| 133 lb |
| Green | |
Important: Art is the most important thing I'm my Life
Love, Live and Laugh!
| 48 |
| Libra |
| 5'9.3" |
| 153 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: Ñïîêîéñòâèå áëàãîïîëó÷èå
çäîðîâüå ïóòåøåñòâîâàòü ïî åâðîïå Âðåìÿ óõîäèò.à ÿ âñ¸
îäèí!!ËÞáëþ ôóòáîë,ïóòåøåñòâîâàòü,õî÷ó íàéòè ñâîþ ëþáîâü,ðàíüøå
êóðèë è âûïèâàë,íî ïîòîì ðåøèë,÷òî è áåç ýòîãî ìîæíî ðàäîâàòüñÿ
æ... Looking for: Âåðíóþ ñ ÷óâñòâîì þìîðà,õîçÿéñòâåííóþ
,äîáðîäóøíóþ,÷òîáû ïîíèìàëà ,è âñåãäà áûëà îïîðîé â òðóäíóþ
| 42 |
| Taurus |
| 6'4" |
| 166 lb |
| Green Gray | |