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Local personals, Greece

Local personals Greece means you can find people near you by location. Meeting Land offers a variety of free services for local personals. Page #20121229132934.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+
Evi' online personals photo
 140 lb
Important: Real Friends,Mental & physical health
..In an Absolut world..NY,NY!
   Looking for friends - Evi from Athens
 191 lb
   Local personals, Greece; page #20121229132934, veganoi
 177 lb
   Local personals, Greece; page #20121229132934, nostradamos
All love is sweet
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 144 lb
   Fitness singles - ASVASVISV from Athens
 148 lb
 Green Brown
   Local personals, Greece; page #20121229132934, grek
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 168 lb
   Virgo men, Vasilis from Ioannina
Erotic adventure
 184 lb
Looking for: the one who likes s..
   Looking for - kostas2519 from Athens
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 164 lb
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   Leo men, zoit from Iraklion
I hope to meet you!!!
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 200 lb
 Green Gray
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Important: health
gentle ,romantic , sporty and loving person
Looking for: kind loving s..y devoted
   Cancer men, Alex from Athens (profile id# 28807)
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 157 lb
   Aries men, simsim0 from Argos
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   Fitness singles - apoapo from Athens
Be with me honest...
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 155 lb
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   Aries men, marvis from Athens
 200 lb
   Cancer men, ALEX from Athens
 153 lb
   Pisces men, DAVOOD from Athens
Follow me...
 193 lb
Iam hansome, attractive and healthly. Iam keen on having s.. with beautiful women.
Looking for: Beautiful, aged 27/42, preferably living in Athens , Greece
   Local personals, Greece; page #20121229132934, Peter Nikolaidis
Be with me honest...
 182 lb
ειμαι αντρας και ζητω γυναικ&#...
Looking for: γυναικα μεχρι 50 χρονων
   Local personals, Greece; page #20121229132934, giorgos
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
 84 lb
science orientated, with great sense of humour, athletic, mild and my philosophy is live in order to fight...
Looking for: preferably a nice, pretty women with bad and good experiences whom i will offer love, commitment and fun!
   Fitness singles - james from Athens
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 166 lb
   Virgo men, Chris_Corfu from Athens
All love is sweet
 217 lb
   Local personals, Greece; page #20121229132934, ioan
Looking for friendship and romance
 215 lb
 Green Brown
   Senior personals - john10 from Athens
 191 lb
   Virgo men, panos from Corinth
Janet' online personals photo
 142 lb
   Women looking for men free - Janet from Athens
 155 lb
Important: food family friends and my football team
   Scorpio men, Drribo from Thessaloniki
Looking for friendship and romance
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 166 lb
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I would like to meet a person,
who deserves to be loved...
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 204 lb
 Blue Green
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Important: ειλικρίνεια - αγάπη
η απόλαυση της ίδια&
Είμαι άντρας 100% αρκετά εμφανί`...
Looking for: Να είναι ο εαυτός της , και ειλ_...
   Senior personals - ODYSSEAS from Rhodes
Alone heart
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 166 lb
   Fitness singles - antonbek from Athens
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 133 lb
   Women looking for men - nevi33 from Argos
 155 lb
Important: honesty, love, trust, advancing, open door to new opportiunities
to take life the way it will come .. enjoying moments
   Taurus women, lydia from Athens
 117 lb
Important: family, friends, pets
   Looking for friends - meligkra from Athens
Alone heart
J.B' online personals photo
 191 lb
   Scorpio men, J&B from Athens

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