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Local personals, men from Italy

Local personals Italy means you can find people near you by location. Meeting Land offers a variety of free services for local personals. Men. Page #19900101095139.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+
Friendly and Caring
Alexander' online personals photo
 128 lb
Important: Find a soulmate and enjoy life
1 carefree 2 finished school 3 success 4 football/music/friendship/fun 8 spend free time with friends 9 movies: the ugly truth, shes out of my le...
Looking for: 1 loving, carefree, enjoying, selfless, honest
   Dating personals free - Alexander from Perugia
humberto' online personals photo
 133 lb
Important: to love and to be loved
to by happy
I will be glad to get acquainted with you. My desire : to find a girl of your country,....a girl like you... i hope greatly to meet my destiny...
Looking for: the info about me...
   Looking for - pepepepe from Pistoia
I like to travel
 164 lb
   Aquarius men, sonny from Catania
 211 lb
Important: live in peace and have fun with the people I love
   Looking for love - mak from Ravenna
Catch me if you can :-)
 146 lb
 Green Gray
Looking for... Is it absolutely necessary to look for something in particular? Surely I do not want stupid things but a funny and good friendship! ONL...
Looking for: "... Now I'm not looking for absolution, forgiveness for the things I do; but before you come to any conclusions try walking in my shoes, try walking ...
   Looking for - streethawk70 from Monza
alibi' online personals photo
 197 lb
Looking for: I want to meet a nice girl, sweet, romantic, loyal, honest, sincere, respectful and does not betray, who does not smoke and drink alcohol.
   Virgo men, alibi from Brescia
 182 lb
 Green Brown
If you want to meet me, write me!
Looking for: Simpatic, pretty and honest
   Fitness singles - princep from Pordenone
Never say never
corrado' online personals photo
 155 lb
corrado' online personals photo 2  
   Fitness singles - hola77 from Genoa
Alone heart
badova' online personals photo
 197 lb
badova' online personals photo 2  
   Local personals, men from Italy; page #19900101095139, badova
Write me
Tom' online personals photo
 137 lb
Important: health, arts, love, honesty
to live without problems and feel satisfaction
I am often proud but also sensitive. I place great emphasis on honesty, loyalty and truth. I would be glad if I could more easily make decisions. R...
Looking for: I am looking for someone who is honest and with whom you can write about anything. P.S. I do not speak English very well and I want to learn this way...
   Looking for someone - Tom76 from Bolzano
paolo' online personals photo
 173 lb
   Fitness singles - piripall from Bari
All love is sweet
donkoyo' online personals photo
 173 lb
Important: i want true love, we both will love each other.
good family home
i, love truth,there is forgiveness with proud of who i am. my major achievement is christ jesus. i can't live without god,others i can cope bu...
Looking for: careing,good heart,ready to love and loeable. obeydient, humbleand caering. it does not matter, with love learning and obedient is easy.age never ma...
   Fitness singles - donkoyo from Como
All love is sweet
 171 lb
This is the very first time I've ever done something like this. I'm very curious as well as s..-starved.
Looking for: A thin woman between the ages of 30 and 50.
   Aquarius men, frankrusso from Rome
Northernsunrise' online personals photo
 164 lb
   Fitness singles - Northernsunrise from Rimini
toni' online personals photo
 188 lb
toni' online personals photo 2  
   Tennis singles - cwhite from Milan
 133 lb
   Local personals, men from Italy; page #19900101095139, juventin
 155 lb
   International pen pals - allitemsplan from Salerno
Don`t doubt, believe and understand...
 166 lb
   Looking for love - flenders from Milan
carmen ramirez' online personals photo
 140 lb
   Aries men, Nataly from Chieti
ciro' online personals photo
 173 lb
ciro' online personals photo 2  
sono dolce e sentimentale-cerco una donna per un vero amore
   Woman looking for men - zumpariello from Naples
Friendly and Caring
 146 lb
Important: my daughters, health, friends and my job
making happy the other people
i am a simple man and sinsitive i can't talk enough about myself because i prefer when people learn to know. i only can add that my heart is ready to...
Looking for: a lady who is sicnere with me, trust in me, caring and loving, and who has a sense of humour.
   Football singles - alfonso from Palermo
 188 lb
   Fitness singles - pas from Milan
Never say never
 155 lb
Important: hard to say
hard to say
I'm educated and good looking. I mostly enjoy studying and reading. I also like skipping :) .
Looking for: An English woman, someone who needs an available man to trust.
   Fitness singles - anticamera from Como
Clever and beautiful woman
 217 lb
Important: happiness
im positive, optimistic,
Looking for: beautiful and intelligence woman.... will possible?
   Men looking for women - achille from Bologna
I am optimistic, cheerful, romantic and...
kely' online personals photo
 173 lb
 Blue Green
Important: love and hapy
to bi hapy and good man
Io sono kely e volio trovare quelo che mi manca tantisimo
Looking for: to bi serios in releashenchip and very fany gerls
   Libra men, kely from Treviso
Catch me if you can :-)
 146 lb
   Penpal dating - patriot from Rome
Friendly and Caring
 177 lb
Important: Friends
   Looking for friends - kolas from Ascoli Piceno
All love is sweet
pierluigi' online personals photo
 133 lb
pierluigi' online personals photo 2  
Important: l'amore
il grande amore
non so' cosa scrivere anche perche' non so' che incontrero' in questo sito
Looking for: ancora ....comunque sono simpatico e dicono affascinate...
   Looking for love - xxpier351 from Cagliari
 155 lb
   Libra men, Miclu from Modena
The best and most beautiful things in the
world can be only felt with the heart
 146 lb
   Looking for friend - Jeffrey from Reggio nellEmilia

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