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Local personals, Russia

Local personals Russia means you can find people near you by location. Meeting Land offers a variety of free services for local personals. Page #20161127193806.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+
At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet
 108 lb
Important: Love, traveling
work with children and love it spend my time with me girls
Looking for: 1. love me 2. spend time on me 3. do not smoke 4. rich 5. healthy 6. above 30 age
   Fitness singles - nastamoon from Moscow
Clever and beautiful woman
лилия' online personals photo
 93 lb
 Green Brown
привлекат 77;льная девчен&#...
Looking for: сильный мужествен 85;ый оч&...
   Women looking for men - lile4ka7773 from Belgorod
Катерин&' online personals photo
 124 lb
Катерин&' online personals photo 2  
Important: Семья
   Looking for a woman - katerina from Ryazan
Active and cheerful :-)
Áîãäàí' online personals photo
 151 lb
Important: Îñòàâèòü ñâîé Ñëåä (äåòè)
   Fitness singles - Bogadibo from Moscow
 166 lb
   Local personals, Russia; page #20161127193806, Vitaliy
Honest relationship
Alex' online personals photo
 188 lb
Important: People close to me
be fit
Looking for: mirror image
   Libra men, Alex from Moscow (profile id# 55738)
Alex2708' online personals photo
 146 lb
Alex2708' online personals photo 2  
   Virgo men, Alex2708 from Krasnodar
 211 lb
   Local personals, Russia; page #20161127193806, Gary
 111 lb
Important: óóóóóóóóóóóóóóóó
   Libra women, qwerty from Surgut
Love and Respect
 144 lb
Important: welfare of the child, be with your loved one
many travels
attractive, not stupid, kind, gentle, romantic, vulnerable
Looking for: reliable, caring, kind
   Russian women looking for men - Nadin78 from Biysk
 188 lb
   Local personals, Russia; page #20161127193806, vova
Looking for new feelings... :-)
Elena' online personals photo
 155 lb
 Blue Gray
Important: a family
humorous, sociable, independent
Looking for: responsible, a decent and easy-going
   Sagittarius women, Elena from Irkutsk
Never say never
Kirill' online personals photo
 175 lb
Kirill' online personals photo 2  
Important: I want to be happy and have a beautiful family
To go round the world trip
Hi. My name is Cyril,I'm 28 years old. I live in Russia,in the beautiful city of Taganrog. I would like to meet a girl for communication
   Fitness singles - KIrill from Taganrog
Active and cheerful :-)
Alexander' online personals photo
 160 lb
Alexander' online personals photo 2  
Looking for: good,cheerful,communicative
   Virgo men, Gwendel from Yekaterinburg
Daniil' online personals photo
 133 lb
   Looking for a man - Daniil from Volgograd
Íèêîëàé' online personals photo
 195 lb
   Libra men, Nicu from Moscow
 102 lb
èãðàþ ôóòáîë âîëåéáîë
   Taurus men, Rodion from Berezniki
 200 lb
 Green Gray
   Local personals, Russia; page #20161127193806, Andreye2e4
Andrew' online personals photo
 164 lb
I came to the Philippines and want to have a good time who can help me with this?
   Local personals, Russia; page #20161127193806, Andrew
Looking for a soulmate lider
 155 lb
   Pisces men, zarkon2090 from Moscow
Alexander' online personals photo
 184 lb
   Virgo men, Alexander from Moscow
dima' online personals photo
 160 lb
   Local personals, Russia; page #20161127193806, dima
 144 lb
   Local personals, Russia; page #20161127193806, Àíäðåé
 155 lb
Looking for: Ó÷åíûé, ôèëîëîã
   Females looking for men - kukaracha from Chelyabinsk
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
 155 lb
Important: ÷åñòíîñòü âî âñ¸ì è îòâåòñòâåííîñòü
   Aries men, djonnigavr from Volgograd
When it comes to dating I'm a bit shy
Àíäðåé' online personals photo
 177 lb
 Blue Gray
Àíäðåé' online personals photo 2  
Èùó ïîñëóøíóþ ñåêñ äåâóøêó äëÿ ñåáÿ. Æåëàòåëüíî ñ ïðîæèâàíèåì ó ìåíÿ. Ãîòîâ âçÿòü íà ïîëíîå ñîäåðæàíèå è íà ìàò. ïîääåðæêå
   Pisces men, Andrey from Moscow
Àëåêñåé' online personals photo
 195 lb
   Local personals, Russia; page #20161127193806, Àëåêñåé
Where are you, my beloved one?
Konstantin' online personals photo
 222 lb
Important: full credit
To open your own business
Hi! I am a person who is looking for something new and unique.Love to chat make friends.When not in the mood with me and not pull. I would like to fin...
Looking for: I'm looking for a girl knowing exactly what she wants a family or just friendship. I have many friends but the wife needs to be one that concludes.
   Looking for a girl - Tilacin76 from Yaroslavl
Let's meet each other and have
thousands of happy moments
hamid' online personals photo
 166 lb
hamid' online personals photo 2  
Important: Ïîíèìàíèå, âçàèìîîòíîøåíèå è òàêæå âçàèìîóâàæåíèå
Ïðîñòîé, îòâåòñòâåííîñòü, äóõîâíûé, ïîçèòèâíûé, öåëåóñòðåìëåííûé, îïòèìèçì. Ñâîáîäåí.
Looking for: ×åëîâêà èùó)))))))
   Local personals, Russia; page #20161127193806, hamid
 173 lb
 Green Brown
   Scorpio men, gigacross from Krasnoyarsk

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