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Local personals, men from Ukraine

Local personals Ukraine means you can find people near you by location. Meeting Land offers a variety of free services for local personals. Men. Page #20130616103528.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+
Anatoli' online personals photo
 166 lb
Important: family
   Aries men, AKE74 from Donetsk
 177 lb
   Local personals, men from Ukraine; page #20130616103528, Vladimir
serq' online personals photo
 180 lb
Important: ëþáäâü è äðóæáà âçàèìî-ïîíèìàíèå
èìåòü íàñòîÿùóþ ñåìüþ
   Men looking for women - serq from Khmelnytskyy
 155 lb
   Aries men, B_O_R_O_D_A from Luhansk
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 155 lb
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   Aquarius men, chinxchakadaro from Kharkiv
 155 lb
   Local personals, men from Ukraine; page #20130616103528, chinchakadaro
 146 lb
   Pisces men, SERUI from Zhytomyr
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 188 lb
   Leo men, stivvi from Kharkiv
 193 lb
   Aries men, Sipoga1911 from Dnipropetrovsk
I hope to meet you!!!
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 211 lb
Important: Ñ÷àñòüå -Ëþáîâü
Èõ ìíîãî
Ïðè çíàêîìñòâå ñ äåâóøêîé - æåíùèíîé, ÿ äóìàþ òîãäà ðàññêàæó
Looking for: Äåâóøêó - Æåíùèíó
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 148 lb
   Libra men, UAMAN from Donetsk
 180 lb
Important: family.friendship,sensitivity to peoples needs.
to leave this world better then I found it.
I`m a warm, caring kind &compassionate person who is non-judgmental of people. I enjoy movies, music good conversation.
Looking for: This person should have the same personality traits as I have, also the same interests. She should be slender. Age is not important.
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 177 lb
 Blue Green
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Important: ÷åñòíîñòü
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At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet
Oleksii' online personals photo
 166 lb
 Green Gray
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Important: Family,goals
be happy
I like travelling,very ambitious,tired to be alone.
Looking for: Cute,sharming and be my right lady
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 173 lb
 Green Brown
Important: Óâàæåíèå ê ñåáå è îêðóæàþùèì)
Áûòü ñ÷àñòëèâûì! Î_î
Looking for: Òîò, êîòîðûé áóäåò íà øàã âïåðåäè !
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 213 lb
   Pisces men, fiodor11 from Dnipropetrovsk
 191 lb
Important: Ëþáèìûå è áëèçêèå ìíå ëþäè
Õî÷ó Êèòàéñüêóþ äåâî÷êó... è æèòü ñ íåé
ïèøó ÐÝÏ ïåñíè òåêñòà äëÿ ïåñåí...
Looking for: Äîáðóþ, êðàñèâóþ, óìíóþ, âåðíóþ, äåâóøêó...
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Vitalij' online personals photo
 168 lb
   Local personals, men from Ukraine; page #20130616103528, Vitalij
 144 lb
 Green Brown
   Virgo men, Den from Simferopol
I hope to meet you!!!
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 215 lb
Important: Respect and understanding
I appreciate the openness of confidence reliability sincerity
   Pisces men, vitaliy from Khmelnytskyy
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 244 lb
Important: ñåìüÿ
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Maykl' online personals photo
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   Leo men, Maykl from Mykolayiv
I'm very passionate...
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 155 lb
   Local personals, men from Ukraine; page #20130616103528, íàçàð
I hope to meet you!!!
Roman' online personals photo
 177 lb
Important: family
find happiness
I try to take the maximum out of life, I like the nice, sweet girl, I own just, like to take risks and to be always on top, I want to love, understand...
Looking for: I'm looking for a free fun girl for a serious relationship for the joint jolly good time Looking for happiness
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 204 lb
 Green Gray
   Capricorn men, buddy from Odesa
Alone heart
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 Blue Gray
   Local personals, men from Ukraine; page #20130616103528, ВЛАДИСЛ&
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   Local personals, men from Ukraine; page #20130616103528, Andrey
Alexander' online personals photo
 188 lb
   Local personals, men from Ukraine; page #20130616103528, Alexander
Alone heart
gosha' online personals photo
 180 lb
It is both pleasant and a bit difficult to speak about myself. It is pleasant because every person enjoys speaking about his or her interests, likes o...
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   Looking for - gosha from Kyiv
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 180 lb
   Pisces men, Danya6601 from Kyiv

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