Local personals Ukraine means you can find people near you by location. Meeting Land offers a variety of free services for local personals. Women. Page #20110921234656.
| 52 |
| Aquarius |
| 5'5.7" |
| 131 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: äîñòè÷ü àáñîëþòíîãî äóøåâíîãî êîìôîðòà)
People live for each other
| 75 |
| Aries |
| 5'4.6" |
| 182 lb |
| Green | |
Important: In any situation to remain the fair, decent
person To see the whole world It is simple in dialogue, I
respect people, sincere, I do not love a deceit and hypocrisy, I
love animals, honesty, decency, mutual support and
mutual... Looking for: I want to have the kind, gentle,
fair, decent friend for mutual support.
| 32 |
| Sagittarius |
| 5'8.1" |
| 104 lb |
| Blue Gray | |
Important: Family and health Husband, childrens, work and
health I live in Ukraine) I want to find friends, maybe husband,
love and someone who can help me with visa to live in eu or
usa... Looking for: I want to find love and money in one
person. It precisely not should be person with the limited outlook,
jealous, with strongly pronounced proprietary...
For interesting and pleasant communication
| 39 |
| Aquarius |
| 5'6.1" |
| 108 lb |
| Blue Green | |
Important: äóøåâíîå ñïîêîéñòâèå ãàðìîíèÿ
| 39 |
| Libra |
| 5'7.7" |
| 166 lb |
| Blue | |
I hope to meet you!!!
| 64 |
| Taurus |
| 5'2.2" |
| 128 lb |
| Blue | |
Important: çäîðîâüå è áëàãîïîëó÷èå áëèçêèõ ëþäåé. ëþáëþ
Çåìëþ è ìå÷òàþ î äîìèêå â äåðåâíå Looking for:
ïîðÿäî÷íîãî, ñåðüåçíîãî,ñàìîäîñòàòî÷íîãî ,
áåç âðåäíûõ ïðèâû÷åê.
| 54 |
| Scorpio |
| 5'7.7" |
| 182 lb |
| Gray | |
I will meet like-minded people
| 44 |
| Aquarius |
| 5'6.1" |
| 111 lb |
| Green Gray | |
Important: Îñóùåñòâëåíèå çàâåòíîé ìå÷òû Íà òî îíà ìå÷òà,
÷òîáû î íåé íå ðàñïðîñòðàíÿòüñÿ Looking for: Èùó
èíòåðåñíûõ ëþäåé äëÿ ïåðåïèñêè, îáùåíèÿ è äðóæáû. Èçâðàùåíöåâ âñåõ
ìàñòåé ïðîñüáà íå áåñïîêîèòü
I hope to meet you!!!
| 50 |
| Aquarius |
| 5'6.9" |
| 144 lb |
| Green Gray | |
| 32 |
| Leo |
| 5'4.6" |
| 115 lb |
| Blue Gray | |
| 44 |
| Aquarius |
| 5'4.6" |
| 106 lb |
| Blue | |
I hope to meet you!!!
| 58 |
| Capricorn |
| 5'5" |
| 175 lb |
| Green | |
Important: ñåìüÿ âñòðåòèòü ìóæ÷èíó áåç êîòîðîãî ÿ íå
ñìîãó æèòü I am an attractive, intelligent, well-mannered smart
lady with good sence of humour and plenty of love, care and
tenderness in my heart to give to my ... Looking for: I
don't want someone I can live with. I want someone I can't live
without. . . I still believe that somewhere on this Earth there is
a soulmate for ea...
Looking for a prince in shining armor!!!
| 59 |
| Pisces |
| 5'4.6" |
| 142 lb |
| Blue Gray | |
I am good-looking and well educated woman
| 60 |
| Aries |
| 5'8.9" |
| 173 lb |
| Blue | |
| 37 |
| Cancer |
| 5'6.1" |
| 113 lb |
| Brown | |
I am a woman, who wants to find true love, sincere, full of good
emotions, different moments of the happiness..I want to find my
sincere soul mate, wi... Looking for: I want to find my
beloved man, who can be the dearest person to me in my life, with
whom we can share all the moments in life. With whom it won't be
Life is a game
| 53 |
| Capricorn |
| 5'6.9" |
| 140 lb |
| Green | |
Be with me honest...
| 47 |
| Cancer |
| 5'4.6" |
| 155 lb |
| Green | |
Important: æåëàíèå æèòü, ðàäîâàòüñÿ æèçíè è
ëþáèòü ïîëíîöåííàÿ ñåìüÿ ôèçè÷åñêè è ïñèõè÷åñêè çäîðîâàÿ è
äóõîâíî è ìàòåðèàëüíî áîãàòàÿ ëþáîçíàòåëüíà, ñòðåìëþñü ê
ñîâåðøåíñòâó âî âñåì, óìåþ ïîääåðæàòü â òðóäíóþ ìèíóòó, âîîáùåì -
ïî÷òè ñ÷àñòëèâûé ÷åëîâå÷åê. Looking for: íàñòîÿùåãî
ìóæ÷èíó, êîòîðîãî ñìîãó óâàæàòü çà åãî ïîñòóïêè, ñëîâà è ìûñëè,
êîòîðûé ñòàíåò ïîëíîöåííûì ìóæåì è îòöîì.
I am looking for someone really serious, kind and with positive life attitude!
| 54 |
| Pisces |
| 5'5" |
| 153 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: family travelling with my husband I present
you whole all my love and care Looking for: Kind and
clever man
Clever and beautiful woman
| 39 |
| Aries |
| 5'3" |
| 100 lb |
| Green | |
Important: ñåìüÿ. áåëàÿ è ïóøèñòàÿ Looking for:
èùó! åäèíñòâåííîãî!
| 39 |
| Virgio |
| 5'6.9" |
| 211 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: Ñåìüÿ Ïîñòðîèòü êðåïêóþ ñåìüþ, âîñïèòàòü äåòåé
è äîæäàòüñÿ âíóêîâ Ìíå õî÷åòñÿ ïëàêàòü, à ÿ âåñåëþñü, ß ïðÿ÷ó çà
ñìåõîì ñìåðòåëüíóþ ãðóñòü. Ðèñóþ óëûáêó, øó÷ó áåç êîíöà, Æèâó çà
ôàñàäîì ÷óæîãî ëèöà. Áûëà ÿ êðûëàòà, íî... Looking for:
Ïîðÿäî÷íîãî è íàä¸æíîãî ÷åëîâåêà. Õîðîøåãî äðóãà è ëþáèìîãî
Where are you, my beloved one?
| 45 |
| Gemini |
| 5'5" |
| 133 lb |
| Blue | |
Important: ñåìüÿ ñåìüÿ
ONLY for serious relationship
| 54 |
| Sagittarius |
| 5'2.2" |
| 120 lb |
| Green Gray | |
| 47 |
| Taurus |
| 5'3.8" |
| 124 lb |
| Green Gray | |
Important: ñåìüÿ
I am looking for someone really serious, kind and with positive life attitude!
| 67 |
| Aries |
| 5'7.7" |
| 222 lb |
| Gray | |
Important: äóøåâíîå ñïîêîéñòâèå Âñå-òàêè õî÷ó íàéòè ñâîþ
ïîëîâèíêó! Looking for: ×òî áû ïðèøåëñÿ ïî äóøå! Îñîáûõ
òðåáîâàíèé íåò!
No limits.....
| 44 |
| Cancer |
| 5'8.5" |
| 168 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: ëþáèòü íàéòè ÷åëîâåêà, êîòîðûé âñåöåëî
ïîíèìàåò ×åñíàÿ, âåñåëàÿ, ëþáëþ ëþáèòü Looking for:
×åëîâåêà, ñ êîòîðûì áóäåò èíòåðåñíî
Where are you, my beloved one?
| 63 |
| Gemini |
| 5'5" |
| 173 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: äîæäàòñÿ âíóêèâ ß óìíàÿ ïðèâëåêàòåëüíàÿ íåæíàÿ
ëàñêîâàÿ êîðî÷å ÿ ñåáÿ ëþáëþ ïðîøó èâàñ ïîëþáèòü ìåíÿ
âîò))). Looking for: êðàñèâûè óìíûè ÷èñòîïëîòíûè íåæíûè
ñåêñóàëüíûè ))).
No limits.....
| 46 |
| Leo |
| 5'9.7" |
| 128 lb |
| Hazel | |
| 58 |
| Sagittarius |
| 5'5.4" |
| 188 lb |
| Blue Gray | |
Important: ëþáîâü ñåìüÿ,ïóòåøåñòâèÿ Ñïàñîáíà ïîíÿòü
÷åëîâåêà,ñ÷èòàþ ãëàâíîå â îòíîøåíèÿõ ýòî ëþáîâü è ïîíèìàíèÿ äðóã
äðóãà. Looking for: Õî÷ó íàéòè ïîðÿäî÷íîãî ìóæ÷èíó,äëÿ
êîòîðîãî ÿ áóäó âåðíîé ,çàáîòëèâàé,ëþáÿùåé æäåíîé.
Be with me honest...
| 42 |
| Gemini |
| 5'7.7" |
| 126 lb |
| Green | |
I am true woman and I know how to make man happy :) Always
cheerful and smiling, I like to share my love and my
wonderful mood with others.... Looking for: You do not
have to be a genius or a movie star to catch my attention, I am
looking for simple man who is caring, kind and honest. The man who
| 50 |
| Gemini |
| 5'0.2" |
| 115 lb |
| Blue Gray | |