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Local personals, Europe

Local personals Europe means you can find people near you by location. Meeting Land offers a variety of free services for local personals. Page #20151004131939.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+
For the first time!
Vitaly' online personals photo
 166 lb
Very good Boy)))
   Fitness singles - Vit1984 from Dnipropetrovsk
Alexander' online personals photo
 160 lb
   Local personals, Europe; page #20151004131939, Alexander
I hope to meet you!!!
 148 lb
Important: My happiness and happiness of people around of me
I am peaceful, honest, gentle, sensitive, open, faithful, high morals person.
Looking for: I am looking for my soul mate who is honest, sweet, kind, intelligent, responsable for happy family together
   Ukrainian women - Ksyusha from Vinnytsya
A unique person
 186 lb
Easy going guy just looking for someone to talk to, feeling trapped at the minute......
Looking for: I someone who has similar interests as I do, is easy going with a great sense of humour as I think I'm exactly like that it
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 122 lb
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Alone heart
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 211 lb
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   Fitness singles - Avart from Krasnoyarsk
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
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 155 lb
   Men looking for women - maksim from Minsk
Be with me honest...
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 144 lb
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 126 lb
i like to think that in the end no matter the years in your life but the life in your years
Looking for: I like a partner with sense of humor,honest,romantic,and open mind
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I would like to date someone special
 222 lb
   Local personals, Europe; page #20151004131939, Nikolas
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   Local personals, Europe; page #20151004131939, Vasiliy
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 151 lb
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Important: Friendship, coherence, poetry, humour, nature & environment, free thinking, traveling
Two parallel lifes: one of a wanderer and one of a family man
I'm afraid I can't find anything too original about me. Just a man like any other, more superficial than what I'm ready to admit, passionate and emoti...
Looking for: I appreciate coherence, free thinking and common sense over all things, but I always happen to fall in love with women who are just the opposite; so, ...
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 222 lb
   Local personals, Europe; page #20151004131939, AN&AN
When will I meet my soul mate?
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   Local personals, Europe; page #20151004131939, Sergey
I hope to meet you!!!
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 142 lb
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   Local personals, Europe; page #20151004131939, rozonat
 155 lb
   Tennis singles - Claud from Cardiff
Active and cheerful :-)
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   Local personals, Europe; page #20151004131939, Gonchik
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 142 lb
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   Scorpio women, Svetlan from Moscow
I hope to meet you!!!
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 166 lb
   Local personals, Europe; page #20151004131939, elman
Inspire me, please!
Vfrc' online personals photo
 200 lb
   Local personals, Europe; page #20151004131939, Vfrc
You will get flowers on the 1st date and after
 133 lb
   Local personals, Europe; page #20151004131939, Mixail
You will get flowers on the 1st date and after
Sergei' online personals photo
 148 lb
   Local personals, Europe; page #20151004131939, Sergei
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 173 lb
   Libra men, dim1751 from Chelyabinsk
 166 lb
   Tennis singles - RollOut from Nizhniy Novgorod
 162 lb
   Libra men, Vovan19800 from Dnipropetrovsk
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 197 lb
   Local personals, Europe; page #20151004131939, A__L123
Alone heart
 142 lb
 Blue Gray
   Local personals, Europe; page #20151004131939, Дима
Attractive and young at heart
Denis' online personals photo
 153 lb
 Green Gray
Denis' online personals photo 2  
Important: find love
   Pisces men, Denis from Baranavicy

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