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Free dating personals, Ukraine

Discover Ukraine free dating personals with MeetingLand: free join, free search and free correspondence with other personals of the dating site.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+
I would like to date someone special
Alla' online personals photo
 102 lb
 Blue Green
Alla' online personals photo 2  
Important: Family
I would like to find a man with whom I can to spend all my life
I am very active and full of energy lady. People around me always see me smiling because there are a lot of wonderful things around me. I believe our ...
Looking for: In this cruel world I want find some care, kind and sweet person, which becomes the part of my life. Most of all I can't stand lying and that is the m...
   What women want in a man - Alkaworld from Luhansk
I hope to meet you!!!
Roman' online personals photo
 177 lb
Important: family
find happiness
I try to take the maximum out of life, I like the nice, sweet girl, I own just, like to take risks and to be always on top, I want to love, understand...
Looking for: I'm looking for a free fun girl for a serious relationship for the joint jolly good time Looking for happiness
   Personals free - Romeo from Mariupol
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
Zunna' online personals photo
 122 lb
Sociable, frank, tender, with kind sense of humour. Value a mind, gratitude, decency, honesty, sincerity, frankness, reliability. Dream to become acqu...
Looking for: Kind, perceptible, tender, honest, affectionate, stable, free, far-sighted man that optimistically looks at life. Mainly, that he was a kind, decent, ...
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Ирина' online personals photo
 122 lb
Ирина' online personals photo 2  
Important: сама жизнь/namaly the life itself
познать и быть собой/to know and be mayself
я говорю "да" всему ,что дает жизнь и живу с открытыми глазами/i like to live with eyes open and to say "yes" to everything
Looking for: игривый , радостный , сексуальный , свободный от обусловленностей , состоятельный /playful , s..ual , joyful, free from conditionality , well- to-do
   Free dating personals - play2005 from Kyiv
Perhaps I`m the woman you have
searched for all your life?
Larisa' online personals photo
 126 lb
Larisa' online personals photo 2  
Important: harmonic, happy family
I want to have a harmonic happy fam[ly
My name is Larisa. I am slim with charming appearance. I am 58 years old. My height is 157 sm and my weight is 57 kg. My eyes are brown and my hai...
   Women looking for men - larisa000 from Dnipropetrovsk
I need a man to show me how a
woman deserves to be treated
0901' online personals photo
 146 lb
0901' online personals photo 2  
Quite independent, free girl from prejudices.
Looking for: Courageous, kind, clever, business.
   Personals free - 0901 from Dnipropetrovsk
Romantic nature
Libertine' online personals photo
 122 lb
Important: свобода/freedom
Интеллигентный человек, потомок небогатого дворянского рода. Приветливый ласковый, доброжелательный, немеркантильный; но и недостатки, как и у всех бе...
Looking for: Очень хотелось бы познакомиться со стройной, общительной, ласковой, сексуально раскрепощённой молодой женщиной, чьи увлечения и интересы в чём-то пере...
   Personals free - Libertine from Kyiv
Financially successful man looking for...
 155 lb
1. Humorous, Intelligent, Humble, Empathetic 2. Most proud of my successes in life 3. Major achievement: Self made millionare 4. Can't live withou...
Looking for: 1. 5 most important traits: Capable of independence, intelligence, humorous and able to give and take sarcasm, driven with her goals, trustworthy 2. ...
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Where are you, my beloved one?
Maria' online personals photo
 122 lb
Important: Family, friends, love, trust, honesty
To find a beloved man
I am a lady with a free, opened heart who is looking for her beloved man. I am very optimistic, cheerful, romantic, joyful. I like to smile and to...
Looking for: I am looking for a strong, caring man who can really love and who wants to feel love in back. I want to find a beloved person, whom I can trust an...
   Personals free - Vishenka from Alchevsk
Alina' online personals photo
 131 lb
Alina' online personals photo 2  
Important: Want to become a lady
Want to travel around the world...
What I want to tell about myself?! I'm a cheerful young lady. I'm very persistent and that's why I study in one of the best universities of Ukraine. ...
Looking for: I want to find a person who will help me to find happiness. Also, he must have the following character trail: be sociable, quick-thinking and interest...
   Personals free - Lady_Alina from Kyiv
Be with me honest...
Elena' online personals photo
 120 lb
Elena' online personals photo 2  
Important: i want to find a honest man
to be happy
I'm very kind and sociable person:) I like to meet with my friends and to spend our time together:) In my free time I like to read the magazines, to c...
Looking for: I want to find very good and kind man who coloured my life and make it better:) I feel myself very lonely person, that is why I'm looking for attentio...
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Alone heart
Libertine' online personals photo
 133 lb
Libertine' online personals photo 2  
Интеллигентный человек, потомок небогатого дворянского рода. Приветливый ласковый, доброжелательный, подельчивый; но и недостатки, как и у всех без ис...
Looking for: Очень хотелось бы познакомиться со стройной, общительной, ласковой, сексуальной молодой женщиной, чьи увлечения и интересы в чём-то перекликаются с мо...
   Free dating personals - Libertine from Kyiv
All love is sweet
 168 lb
Important: love .family.job
I love sports(resling)!and to spent my free time with friend!
Looking for: common girl!Idont know
   Free dating personals - Sergey from Bila Tserkva
Lots of friends, but having no one
with whom...:-( Maybe you are..
 155 lb
Important: любовь
взаимная любовь :-)
Я пытаюсь быть собой и хочу встретить человека, у которого не было бы большой потребности меня переделывать. Соответсвенно взаимно :-). I am very alo...
Looking for: Я не знаю, что я ищу. Увы. Избегаю внутреннего идеала мужчины и пытаюсь оставаться открытой. I am looking for men with interesting inner world
   Dating personals free - Svetlana from Kyiv
Friendly and Caring
Анатолий/Anatoliy' online personals photo
 144 lb
Анатолий/Anatoliy' online personals photo 2  
Important: найти хорошую жену и хорошых друзей/find goof wife and friends
Большой дом, путешествия/big house, travelling
Я скромный добрый умный парень, у которого нет много друзей. Очень честен и ожидаю того же от людей... Люблю романтические и психологические фильмы.....
Looking for: Я ищу добрую дружелюбную умную девушку, с которой мог бы пообщаться по душам или даже и больше...
   Internet pen pals - original_guy from Lviv