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Senior personals, Georgia

Meet senior personals Georgia for friendship, sharing views on life and love relationship.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Elliot Ben' online personals photo
 186 lb
 Blue Gray
I enjoy going to the beach, I do love the ocean and mountain view, enjoy some travel and weekend trips
   Scorpio men, Elliot from Kutaisi
 155 lb
Important: 👩 êðàñèâóþ
ß èùó êðàñèâóþ óìíóþ íå çíàþ
   Senior personals, Georgia, Neimat
Be with me honest...
 155 lb
   Sagittarius men, alexs from Tbilisi
I like to travel
 211 lb
   Leo men, beso from Tbilisi
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
 133 lb
Important: family
finf soul mate
everyone writes about themselves only positive,am I right?I am a young grandmother . Is it cool? If you are interested write me.
   Asian women - zuka from Tbilisi
Let`s be friends
 204 lb
Important: rabota
   Tennis singles - kavali from Tbilisi
Follow me...
 204 lb
Important: To enjoy each day and be thankful
Find true love
I am from California, I was in the Military for 30 years and was in the Iraq war. Due to the stress of the military life and being gone my marriage ...
Looking for: The most important trait I am looking for is someone that can be honest and open and is willing to share their true self. When people meet we try to ...
   Looking for - Al from Tbilisi
Write me
 166 lb
Important: respect
live and enjoy with vikings(vorvegians)
i"m very pure blooded Georgian. love mather nature, interesting in world politics and immigration policis, have tree plants nursery garden, have and w...
Looking for: i looking for pure norvegian women.
   Looking for - emsar from Tbilisi
 177 lb
Important: ñåìü, äåòè,ëþáîâü êàê è ðîäèíà.
   Leo men, dima7 from Tbilisi
Looking for my soul mate
Walton' online personals photo
 80 lb
Important: My daughter and my job
Someone specail to spend the rest of our Life together
And about my personality am Humorous/Witty, Intellectual, Low Maintenance,Giver, Sensitive/Nurturing/Loving, Practical, Romantic, Self Confident, Seri...
Looking for: I am searching for a special woman to adore me and treat me like a King and you thrive on treating my special woman like a Queen? I enjoy being active...
   Looking for - walton from Rustavi
 146 lb
Important: Education at Tbilisi State University
I want to be happy!
Looking for: I respect everybody, love overyone, but none more than very kind woman.
   Tennis singles - mushtaidin from Tbilisi
Be with me honest...
Gary' online personals photo
 106 lb
Important: Love the outdoors
Looking for the right woman to love
I am a very emotional and compassionate person, may be because i was brought up in a different way from most kids while growing up... I'm also well gr...
Looking for: .I'm looking for someone who is honest and ready to have a good time getting to know each other. Someone who is respectful, opinionated, and competent...
   Looking for someone - Gill from Kutaisi
All love is sweet
 135 lb
I like to read books, to play football, basketball, and so on. I like traveling. My aim to help poor people.
Looking for: My partner must love me very much as I did. I like nice girl like as nice flower. I love the best s.. with her all night.
   Senior personals - asta from Kutaisi
 195 lb
Looking for: s..i ukomplesod
   Cancer men, mark from Tbilisi
ONLY for serious relationship
 162 lb
Important: fair personal relationship,trust, love,purity,humour,music,traveling
quiet, happy ,and interesting life,
I'm a person who attracts with her optimism, kindness, honesty with sence of humour,and who is full with love in her heart , who is able to respe...
Looking for: No one is ideal. I'm a person who can be attracted by the person full with positive emotions, optimism , who will appreciate my honesty and divotio...
   Looking for a wife - ann from Tbilisi
 206 lb
Important: Long life
Me iz Just me....
Looking for: Edinstvennuyu i nepovtorimuyu
   Pisces men, Dolphin from Batumi
 197 lb
   Married men looking for men - David from Tbilisi
For interesting and pleasant communication
Äàâèä' online personals photo
 222 lb
Äàâèä' online personals photo 2  
Important: Çäîðîâüå è áëàãîïîëó÷èå äîðîãèõ ìíå ëþäåé
Îáúåçäèòü âåñü ìèð.
Ïî õàðàêòåðó äîáðûé, ìÿãêèé (çà÷àñòóþ èçëèøíå), íàä¸æíûé. Äîâîëåí ñâîåé æèçíüþ, ëþáëþ ñâîþ ñåìüþ, ñâîé ãîðîä è ñâîþ ñòðàíó, ñâîèõ äðóçåé è ñâîþ ðàáîòó...
Looking for: "Âñòðå÷àþò ïî îä¸æå, ïðîâîæàþò ïî óìó". Òàê âîò, åñòåñòâåííî, î÷åíü ïðèÿòíî çàâîäèòü çíàêîìñòâî ñ êðàñèâîé, ñòðîéíîé, ñåêñóàëüíîé äåâóøêîé, íî èíòåëëå...
   Looking for love - Tavado from Tbilisi
 142 lb
   Looking for love - al from Kutaisi
 115 lb
   Asian women - qusiko from Tbilisi