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Senior personals, Ukraine

Meet senior personals Ukraine for friendship, sharing views on life and love relationship. Page #19900101055342.

Seeking a   Men    Women
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
 155 lb
 Blue Gray
   Women looking for men - Elena from Odesa
Let`s laugh together! Laugh prolongs our life!.. :-)
 142 lb
 Green Gray
   Looking for love - Niknik from Kyiv
 160 lb
   Man looking for women - Natalya from Sevastopol
Alone heart
Yevgeniya' online personals photo
 122 lb
Yevgeniya' online personals photo 2  
Important: dgfsdg
I like warm, comfortable atmosphere, clean house, cooking, romantic, supper with candles, to listen the, like the journeys, read the books. I am fait...
Looking for: I need good, gentile, careful loving, sure of himself, clever, supportive loving children, understanding man.
   Ukrainian women - evgeniana from Zaporizhzhya
Alone heart
Yevgeniya' online personals photo
 122 lb
Yevgeniya' online personals photo 2  
I like warm, comfortable atmosphere, clean house, cooking, romantic, supper with candles, to listen the, like the journeys, read the books. I am fait...
Looking for: I need good, gentile, careful loving, sure of himself, clever, supportive loving children, understanding man.
   Ukrainian women - evgeniana from Uzhhorod
I will meet like-minded people
 195 lb
Important: êàðüåðà
   Pisces men, eusk from Donetsk
 188 lb
õî÷ó ëþáèòü
   Capricorn men, koala_5 from Donetsk
 155 lb
Ïîçíàêîìëþñü ñî ñâîáîäíîé æåíùèíîé äî 40, èç Îäåññû - äëÿ äëèòåëüíûõ äðóæåñêèõ îòíîøåíèé áåç âçàèìíûõ òðåáîâàíèé. Î ñåáå: 35/178/70, Òåëåö, â/î, áåç ...
   Taurus men, bbwlover from Odesa
 162 lb
   Looking for love - 342805mssamb from Mykolayiv
I hope to meet you!!!
 111 lb
   Women looking for men - Sacha from Dnipropetrovsk
I will meet like-minded people
 195 lb
   Cancer men, mikl from Kyiv
Take time to play...
 197 lb
   Polyamory personals - GENA from Kyiv
I hope to meet you!!!
Òàìàðà' online personals photo
 166 lb
 Green Brown
Important: Âçàèìîïîíèìàíèå è ïîìîùü èíâàëèäàì
Ïðèîáðåñòè ôèíàíñîâóþ íåçàâèñèìîñòü â MLM
Êîìóíèêàáåëüíà è äîáðîæåëàòåëüíà, îïòèìèñò ñ ÷óñòâîì þìîðà,ëþáëþ çàíèìàòüñÿ ñâîèì õîááè- ýòî ëîñêóòíîå øèòüå è ìíîãî ÷èòàþ êíèã ïî ïñèõîëîãèè è ôèíàíñ...
Looking for: ÷óñòâîâàòü òâîþ çàáîòó è óòðîì ÿ ëþáëþ òåáÿ à âå÷åðîì ÿ ñêó÷àþ ïî òåáå è ýòî âçàèìíî
   Women looking for men free - mudraya50 from Odesa
 166 lb
   Aries men, 00000031 from Kryvyy Rih
 146 lb
   Polyamory personals - Marina from Cherkasy
 177 lb
   Aquarius men, big from Kyiv
Looking for friendship and romance
 133 lb
 Green Gray
   Aquarius men, niknik from Kyiv
Don`t doubt, believe and understand...
 142 lb
Important: áëàãîïîëó÷èå
ñòàòü ñóëòàíîì
íîðìàëüíûé ïàðåíü
Looking for: íîðìàëüíóþ äåâóøêó
   Virgo men, edh70 from Donetsk
 182 lb
   Pisces men, nota from Kyiv
Let`s be friends
 151 lb
Êèåâëÿíèí, ñòðåëåö, ðàáîòàþ ïðîðàáîì.
Looking for: Ñèìïàòèíóþ, ïîðÿäî÷íóþ è ò.ä.
   Sagittarius men, sikor from Kyiv
I`m the one you need
 164 lb
Important: îáùåíèå äðóæáà ñåêñ
ïîçíàêîìèòüñÿ ñ ìóæ÷èíîé -äðóãîì ËÞÁÎÂÍÈÊÎÌ ñïîíñîðîì â îäíîì ëèöå
ìÿãêàÿ è ïóøèñòàÿ
Looking for: óìåþùèé äîñòàâëÿòü óäîâîëüñòâèå
   Women looking for men - nika156927 from Khmelnytskyy
 200 lb
   Looking for a man - alex59 from Kyiv
Looking for friendship and romance
 160 lb
   Virgo men, PK from Simferopol
Reliability and strength of mind
 182 lb
Important: ëþáîâü, áëèçêèå ìíå ëþäè, óäà÷à
ïîçíàêîìèòüñÿ ñ äåâóøêîé, õî÷ó ëþáèòü è áûòü ëþáèìûì!!!
Íàñòîÿùèé ìóæ÷èíà! Åñëè òû õî÷åøü, ÷òîáû ìóæ÷èíà íîñèë òåáÿ íà ðóêàõ, îáåðåãàë, ëþáèë, óâàæàë, ïèøè, ÷òî òû èùåøü, ÷åãî õî÷åòñÿ è ò.ä. à âäðóã èíòåð...
Looking for: æåíùèíà, êîòîðàÿ óñòàëà îò îäèíî÷åñòâà, ãîòîâàÿ ëþáèòü, ñòðîèòü îòíîøåíèÿ âìåñòå
   Virgo men, Den from Kyiv
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
 115 lb
 Green Brown
Important: ïîðÿäî÷íîñòü
ðàäà áóäó ïîçíàêîìèòüñÿ
Looking for: äîáðûé. ïîðÿäî÷íûé. óðàâíîâåøåííûé
   Girls looking for men - monja from Odesa
For the first time!
 173 lb
   Aries men, Iguz from Kyiv
Looking for a soulmate lider
 244 lb
   Man looking for a man - man from Zaporizhzhya
For interesting and pleasant communication
 206 lb
 Blue Gray
   Capricorn men, valik from Zaporizhzhya
Similar thoughts create friendship
 168 lb
Important: ïîçíàíèå
ïîëíàÿ ñâîáîäà
Ìàêñèóì îáùåíèÿ, èñêðåííîñòè
   Looking for love - Vic from Kyiv
 164 lb
 Green Brown
   Looking for a man - Ray from Kyiv

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