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Biking singles, women from Ukraine

Meet biking singles - both single women and men seeking their soulmates and friends from Ukraine who like biking as they are. Women. Page #19900101094522.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+
The best and most beautiful things in the
world can be only felt with the heart
Anna' online personals photo
 111 lb
Anna' online personals photo 2  
Important: I'll tell you later
I am very serious woman, I am very kind, nice and clever woman who want to what she want in this life I can be strong , but of course I can be and v...
Looking for: I am here to find the man in whom I will be sure on 100 % and I will know that I he can help me in all things, to whom I will not afraid what I have...
   Ukrainian women - annetrose from Zhytomyr
 91 lb
   Ukrainian women - vishenka from Berdyansk
I hope to meet you!!!
Àë¸íà' online personals photo
 122 lb
Àë¸íà' online personals photo 2  
Important: Ñ÷àñòüå äîðîãèõ ìíå ëþäåé
Îáúåçäèòü âåñü ìèð
Öåíþ â ëþäÿõ - ëþäåé, íå ñ÷èòàþ ÷óæèå äåíüãè, íå ïðåòåíäóþ íà êîðîíó è æèâó òàê, êàê ñ÷èòàþ íóæíûì. Ëþáëþ ñêîðîñòü, ñâîáîäó, èíòåðåñíûå ðàçãîâîðû. ...
Looking for: Îäíèì ñëîâî Ìóæ÷èíó âî âñåõ ñìûñëàõ
   Ukrainian women - Lenchik from Yevpatoriya
Victoria' online personals photo
 115 lb
 Blue Green
Important: Family
I dream to find a soul mate and live with her until the end of life.
I am a very easy-going, sincere and honest person. I don't like lies and I don't like when somebody lies me, I am a woman with a sence of humor, ver...
Looking for: I am searching for a man, who will understand and support me in different situations and with whom we can build a strong relationship, based on the...
   Ukrainian women - Sova from Luhansk
I`m emotional, thoughtful, kind, and very sexual!
Àíþòà' online personals photo
 135 lb
Àíþòà' online personals photo 2  
Important: áëàãîïîëó÷èå ñåìüè
   Ukrainian women - Nezabudka from Dnipropetrovsk
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
Ìàðèíà' online personals photo
 137 lb
Ìàðèíà' online personals photo 2  
Important: ñåìüÿ ðåëèãèÿ ðàáîòà
   Ukrainian women - 12345vlacenko from Kyiv
 148 lb
   Tennis singles - Irinwka from Nikopol
Let`s laugh together! Laugh prolongs our life!.. :-)
 113 lb
   Ukrainian women - stasy from Chernihiv
Where are you, my beloved one?
 122 lb
   Ukrainian women - nasja from Donetsk
 131 lb
   Ukrainian women - annamartik from Luhansk
polen' online personals photo
 115 lb
   Ukrainian women - polen from Mykolayiv
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
 133 lb
   Ukrainian women - Vic from Kremenchuk
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
 140 lb
 Green Brown
Important: Íàéòè ëþáèìîãî è äðóãà
áûòü ñ÷àñòëèâîé ñ ëþáèìûì
Îäèíîêàÿ îáåñïå÷åííàÿ êèåâëÿíêà, ñïîêîéíàÿ. Õàðàêòåð ëåãêèé. Çàáîòëèâàÿ.
Looking for: Äîáðûé, ïîðÿäî÷íûé, íåæàäíûé, öåíÿùèé äîìàøíåå òåïëî, ëàñêó è äóøåâíóþ ïîääåðæêó
   Girls looking for a man - hallen from Kyiv
I will present you a whole world,
full of my Love and tenderness!!!
 115 lb
Important: just be happy in any situations
I"m a very interesting young lady with long red hair and green eyes. Anything else? Write me.
Looking for: A man with good sense of humor serious plans in his life.
   Ukrainian women - kvitka from Uzhhorod
Looking for my sun!
 126 lb
 Blue Gray
   Looking for love - Sonya from Chernihiv
I will present you a whole world,
full of my Love and tenderness!!!
 122 lb
 Green Brown
Important: îñòàâàòüñÿ ×åëîâåêîì ñ áîëüøîé áóêâû
ïîçíàêîìèòüñÿ ñ ìóæ÷èíîé ìîåé ìå÷òû â ýòîì ãîäó
êðàñèâàÿ, äîáðàÿ, íåæíàÿ äåâóøêà :)) îïòèìèñò ïî æèçíè, ðîìàíòèê...
Looking for: ïîçíàêîìëþñü ñ ïàðíåì/ìóæ÷èíîé, êîòîðûé âåðèò â ëþáîâü, äëÿ êîòîðîãî äðóæáà - íå ïóñòîå ñëîâî, à ñåêñ - ñïîñîá ñòàòü áëèæå íå òîëüêî òåëîì, íî è äóøîé...
   Tennis singles - Natalie from Kyiv
Reliable friend and passionate lover
 142 lb
 Blue Green
ß î÷åíü äîáðàÿ è ëàñêîâàÿ, íî ìîãó áûòü àãðåñèâíîé. Î÷åíü ëþáëþ ïóòèøåñòâîâàòü, îòêðûâàòü âñå íîâîå äëÿ ñåáÿ. Ëþáëþ îòêðûòûõ ëþäåé , íå òåðïëþ îáìàí.
   Ukrainian women - yuliana from Chernivtsi
The best woman - for the best man!
Elena' online personals photo
 142 lb
Elena' online personals photo 2  
i'm a pretty girl with many interests and talants
Looking for: serious, well educated, interested in serious relations leading to marriage
   Ukrainian women - Elena_b from Kharkiv
Where are you, my beloved one?
Àëëà' online personals photo
 142 lb
 Green Brown
Looking for: Õî÷ó íàéòè îäíîãî åäèíñòâåííîãî.Ñèìïàòè÷íîãî â³ñîêîãî ìîëîäîãî ÷åëîâåêà.
   Ukrainian women - Allchonok from Odesa
The best one in the World
 115 lb
 Blue Gray
   Fitness singles - Fenix from Kyiv
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
Àíæåëèêà' online personals photo
 131 lb
Àíæåëèêà' online personals photo 2  
Ñàíãâèíèê ,÷åðòû õàð-ðà : öåëåóñòðåìëåííîñòü,ãèáêîñòü,÷åñòíîñòü,ïîðÿäî÷íîñòü,äîáðîòà,ðàññóäèò åëüíîñòü î ïëîõèõ Âàì ñóäèòü,êàæäîìó ÷åëîâåêó îíè âèäíû ï...
Looking for: Îñîáûõ êðèòåðèåâ íåò ò.ê. ïðè áëèçêèõ ,òåïëûõ îòíîøåíèÿõ ìíîãîå ñòàíîâèòüñÿ òåðïèìûì è íåçàìå÷àåìûì ,à ëþáÿùèé ÷åëîâåê ñàì ïîñòàðàåòüñÿ èñïðàâèòü ñâîè...
   Fitness singles - anjuk from Chernivtsi
I love to love
 106 lb
   Fitness singles - Valeriya_vesna from Kyiv
I want to discover myself in your heart
 135 lb
Important: ñåìüÿ è äóõîâíûå öåííîñòè
ëþáèòü è áûòü ëþáèìîé
Íàñòîÿùàÿ ëåñáèÿíêà!!!
Looking for: Âíåøíîñòü è âîçðàñò çíà÷åíèÿ íå èìååò, ãëàâíîå ÷òîá ìû äðóã äðóãó ïîäõîäèëè.
   Taurus women, JSY from Kyiv
Valentina' online personals photo
 133 lb
 Blue Gray
Valentina' online personals photo 2  
   Ukrainian women - Afina from Dnipropetrovsk
To be or not to be?..
êàòåðèíà/kate' online personals photo
 122 lb
êàòåðèíà/kate' online personals photo 2  
Important: ñàìîóòâåðæäåíèå, ëþáîâü, ñåìüÿ, êàðüåðà
   Ukrainian women - katrusya from Kyiv
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
 126 lb
Important: Schastje,a eto znachit zyty v harmonii s soboy,i bit vlublennoj do bezumija!!!
Veselaya,obshchitelnaj a,po zyzni - optimist! :) :) :) :) :) Komu budet interesno uznaty bolshe-pishite.Ok?
Looking for: Dobroho,umnoho,krasivoho, vazno ne tolko vneshnost cheloveka, no i eho dusha... ...i inye kachestva
   Ukrainian women - kalisto from Ternopil
Kind-hearted, honest, cheerful and...
Julia' online personals photo
 106 lb
 Green Gray
Important: love, hells
I want a change my life!
Looking for: I find you.
   Ukrainian women - Nikaa from Kyiv
I hope to meet you!!!
 104 lb
Important: äóøåâíîå ðàâíîâåñèå
íàéòè âòîðóþ ïîëîâèíêó
Looking for: ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíóþ, âåñåëóþ äåâóøêó, ñ êîòîðîé áûëî áû ëåãêî è èíòåðåñíî
   Sagittarius women, Nashka from Kharkiv
 133 lb
 Green Brown
   Tennis singles - Wolfin from Lviv
Alone heart
Helen' online personals photo
 124 lb
Important: family, job
happy family
I'm sincere, honest, kind, true, calm, goal-minded. I'm a believer, Orthodox. I like travelling, skiing, Music (I play the piano and sing), theater, b...
Looking for: I appresiate sincerety, honesty and kindness. You schould be a believer
   Tennis singles - Helen from Kyiv (profile id# 2682)

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