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Biking singles, Yugoslavia

Meet biking singles - both single women and men seeking their soulmates and friends from Yugoslavia who like biking as they are.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+
Honest relationship
 244 lb
Important: friends, family, community, fairness, knowledge
a united and fully equal humanity
I'm a post-graduate student of philosophy, former high school teacher and permanent theoretician and activist. Love films, books, computer games, good...
Looking for: That's always hard to tell and life often surprises you.
   Personals free - FilipSac from Belgrade
A unique person
milos' online personals photo
 211 lb
   Pisces men, milos from Belgrade
Be with me honest...
velibor' online personals photo
 155 lb
velibor' online personals photo 2  
if you want to meet me just send me a message.... :)
   Tennis singles - welibor from Belgrade
 177 lb
   Pisces men, Predrag from Belgrade
I like to travel
Marko' online personals photo
 191 lb
Important: righteousness
to meet appropriate person
we don't see ourselves objectively
Looking for: my ideal partner must to be normal and compassionate, fashion is substantial, but is not crucial ;)
   Fitness singles - marko from Belgrade
Anita' online personals photo
 146 lb
 Green Brown
Anita' online personals photo 2  
I am a single, educated woman and I am looking for a serious and kind man to meet. I do work a lot,but I also think that women should be taken care o...
Looking for: I wish my ideal partner would be hardworking, clever, quiet, practical and good. He should be tall and preferably strongly built.Non smoker and sport...
   Looking for single women - annie from Belgrade
 128 lb
 Green Brown
   Looking for women - Dada from Belgrade
Conquer my heart
chy' online personals photo
 202 lb
 Green Brown
Important: smile
to find her eyes in the dark
   Aries men, chy from Belgrade
 155 lb
   Fitness singles - klipan from Belgrade
Igor' online personals photo
 211 lb
Igor' online personals photo 2  
Important: people around me
nice home
I have a lot of friends and i like there company but i need something more. i need a right women to shear things in life. i am easy going person who ...
Looking for: I am not into models. Best thing is if she is close to me in loks and head>
   Scorpio men, Igor from Belgrade
Maja Pesic' online personals photo
 117 lb
   Looking for love - mayasuperno from Belgrade
Alone heart
monoceros' online personals photo
 202 lb
monoceros' online personals photo 2  
Important: small things do life... monoceros at email dot com
to make a happy and sane familly
Hello my Ladies, may I have your attention please to introduce myself: serious, real, objective, stable, well-balanced, well-born, elegant, gentleman,...
Looking for: Good looking, very attractive, hot, s..y, very s..y women! Reasonable, full of understanding, sensual, sentimental, tender, romantic, fanciful, carefu...
   Leo men, monoceros from Podgorica
Strong, clever and sexual man
Milos' online personals photo
 200 lb
Milos' online personals photo 2  
Important: Sport,friends,family
I dont have,I am realistic
1.Traits of character :persistence,vigorous. 2.What are you most proud of?-I finished study 3.What is a major achievement in your life?-Good li...
Looking for: 1. Name the most important 5 character traits you wish this person had?It is not mater. 2.Should this person have similar interests, ...
   Personals free - Miki from Belgrade
 142 lb
 Green Brown
   Biking singles, Yugoslavia, Veljko
I hope to meet you!!!
 153 lb
Important: Freedom
Somone who like travel, music, nature, very join in small things and I like when can see a horizon in people, Also very interest for me is some old c...
Looking for: Mybe:-), someone who have similary interest things, that like sea, ocean, some women which have free soul.
   Personals free - moon from Belgrade
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