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Diving singles, men from Ukraine

Diving singles are personals from Ukraine who love diving, scuba diving, single at the moment and looking for friendship and love. Men. Page #20060426002818.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+
Let everything be as you like
Þðèé' online personals photo
 122 lb
Important: Ïîíèìàíèå è óâàæåíèå
êóïèòü ñåòü ðåñòîðàíîâ â Ëîíäîíå
Âñ¸ ïðè ïåðåïèñêå, èëè äàëüíåéøåì îáùåíèè
   Diving singles - Zver from Kyiv
 153 lb
   Fitness singles - sasha_77777777 from Kherson
MAX' online personals photo
 168 lb
MAX' online personals photo 2  
   Fitness singles - MAX from Kyiv
Looking for friendship and romance
 146 lb
 Blue Gray
   Tennis singles - rol from Odesa
Þðà' online personals photo
 146 lb
   Virgo men, Djurij from Uzhhorod
Look in my window, please!
vasiliy' online personals photo
 155 lb
vasiliy' online personals photo 2  
Important: love and money
marry and live a wonderful life in America
Hi, I was born and I live in Ukraine. ìàññàæèñò.óâëåêàþñü sports, run, I love outdoor activities and to spend time in good êîìïàíèè. I dont smoke, at ...
   Fitness singles - vasiliy from Dniprodzerzhynsk
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
dinesh' online personals photo
 115 lb
Important: love for life and humor
want to be a sucessful engineer
well i am from india and i study in kharkov in ukraine and i want to fall in love because i have never been fall in love and i want to feel it,i want ...
Looking for: nothing she must be good and she should be honest with me
   Libra men, dinny from Kharkiv
Alone heart
andy' online personals photo
 220 lb
andy' online personals photo 2  
Looking for: my future wife
   Capricorn men, andy from Kharkiv
Andrew' online personals photo
 160 lb
   Diving singles, men from Ukraine; page #20060426002818, Andrew
Vadim' online personals photo
 191 lb
Vadim' online personals photo 2  
I am honest, I consider it is very important for every person to tell the truth. I am young and easygoing, very sociable man.
   Looking for love - Vadik from Kyiv
 186 lb
Important: my daughter and god
to just be successful
just a lovable person looking for miss right and i know she is out there. so u know when u stop threw and be for real and we can get marry looking for...
Looking for: just be u no matter what size what color, how old be u pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
   Looking for - snoop from Balaklava
Looking for new feelings... :-)
 157 lb
Important: äîâåðèå è ëþáîâü
óåõàòü â Âåíåöèþ
ÿ ïðîñòîé è î÷åíü èíòåðåñíûé))
Looking for: èùó ìóæ÷èíó äëÿ îáùåíèÿ
   Fitness singles - Tadd from Kyiv
Êîëÿ' online personals photo
 144 lb
   Libra men, kolya96 from Luhansk
 142 lb
Important: my dream lady
   Pisces men, Greg from Kyiv
Brave, strong, and self-sufficient man!
 166 lb
Hello. My name Eugene. I'm smart and very funny.
   Fitness singles - Gen from Kyiv
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
Viktor' online personals photo
 164 lb
Important: love, health
build ship
   Looking for love - Victor from Aleksandrija
 153 lb
   Diving singles - Igor from Kharkiv
Lots of friends, but having no one
with whom...:-( Maybe you are..
Òîñèê' online personals photo
 160 lb
   Tennis singles dating - Tocuk from Donetsk
Inspire me, please!
 191 lb
 Blue Gray
Important: Íàéòè ñâîþ ëþáèìóþ!
Îòûñêàòü îòëè÷íóþ äåâóøêó äëÿ ñîçäàíèÿ ñåìüè!
   Tennis singles - Vaiper from Sudak
Looking for my soul mate
Denis' online personals photo
 142 lb
 Blue Gray
Denis' online personals photo 2  
Important: Love,family,kids
   Looking for love - vlasovden2007 from Simferopol
 144 lb
   Looking for love - R_E_X from Odesa
JeROME' online personals photo
 166 lb
JeROME' online personals photo 2  
Ïðîñòî ÈÄÅÀË
Looking for: Ïðèâëåêàòåëüíóþ äåâóøêó, áåç êîìëåêñîâ, êîòîðàÿ áûëà áû íå òîëüêî ëþáîâíèöåé íî è ëþáÿùèì ÷åëîâåêîì! Äëÿ êîòîðîé êàê è äëÿ ìåíÿ âàæíû äîëãîâðåìåííûå...
   Aries men, SEXtheBESTatME from Kremenchuk
 144 lb
   Looking for love - KAWAKA from Kyiv
Derek' online personals photo
 200 lb
 Blue Gray
Derek' online personals photo 2  
Æèçíü ïðåêðàñíà! Òîëüêî äëÿ ýòîãî íàäî…
Looking for: îòêðûòîãî, äëÿ îáùåíèÿ!
   Looking for love - Derek_D from Sevastopol
 200 lb
   Capricorn men, Murk2 from Kyiv
 146 lb
 Green Brown
Important: ñòàòü ñàìîäîñòàòî÷íîé ÿ÷åéêîé îáùåñòâà
íå ñáóäåòñÿ, åñëè ñêàæó, ïîýòîìó - ñåêðåò
Hellow, everybody. My nickname is mallboro. I've been studying at the radiophysics faculty at the University of Taras Shevchenko in Kyiv. I'd like to ...
Looking for: I'm looking for ukrainian-, russian- or english-speaking girl of 19 years old at the most. You mustn't be so beautifull as model, but you should be cl...
   Looking for a girl - mallboro from Kyiv
Inspire me, please!
 164 lb
   Looking for love - WOOOLFik from Kyiv
I will present you a whole world,
full of my Love and tenderness!!!
BARRACUDA' online personals photo
 173 lb
BARRACUDA' online personals photo 2  
Important: I'll tell you in messages/Ó ìåíÿ åñòü ñâîè öåííîñòè è ÿ î íèõ îáÿçàòåëüíî ðàññêàæó
Íå ñêàæó, à òî íå ñáóäåòñÿ :)
ß îáðàçîâàí, âîñïèòàí, çàíèìàþñü ñâîèì äåëîì, â ñâîáîäíîå åñëè íå æãó ðåçèíó íà ìàøèíå, òî îòäûõàþ â êðóãó äðóçåé. Íå ëþáëþ ñêó÷àòü è ëþáëþ êîãäà íèêò...
Looking for: Looking for a beautiful (body and soul) girl of my dream, and to share happiness with her. Õî÷ó íàéòè äåâóøêó ñâîåé ìå÷òû, êðàñèâóþ êàê òåëîì, òàê è ...
   Looking for - BARRACUDA from Zaporizhzhya
Let`s have fun together!!!!
PIT' online personals photo
 155 lb
âñå ïðè îáùåíèè
Looking for: íîðìàëüíóþ äåâóøêó.....äî 55 êã.
   Leo men, PIT from Kyiv
I would like to meet a person,
who deserves to be loved...
Denis' online personals photo
 168 lb
Important: ñàìîðåàëèçàöèÿ
   Looking for love - Denis_Kirston from Kyiv

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