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Tennis singles, Russia

Tennis singles from Russia locally and all over the world gather together at MeetingLand. Page #19900101070549.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+
Similar thoughts create friendship
 166 lb
Important: âîñïèòàíèå ñûíà
òåïëûé ñâåòëûé äîì ñ äîáðûì ïîíèìàþùèì ÷åëîâåêîì
Äîáðàÿ, æèâàÿ, ýìîöèîíàëüíàÿ.  ñâîáîäíîå âðåìÿ õîæó â òåàòð, â êèíî, âå÷åðàìè ÷èòàþ. Ëþáëþ ïóòåøåâñòâîâàòü, ñîçäàâàòü óþò, è õîðîøî ãîòîâëþ.
Looking for: Ìóæ÷èíà îòâå÷àþùèé çà ñâîè ñëîâà è ïîñòóïêè. Ñ ÷óâñòâîì þìîðà, èíòåðåñóþùèìñÿ. Äîáðûì è óðàâíîâåøåííûì.
   Girls looking for men - Cristy from Saint Petersburg
To be or not to be?..
 117 lb
   Fitness singles - sandra675 from Moscow
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
Svetlana' online personals photo
 126 lb
 Blue Gray
Svetlana' online personals photo 2  
In my opinion, a woman creates the atmosphere in a family. She can do the family`s house nice and cozy. I like doing it. I prefer that my friends and...
Looking for: To my mind, it is not easy to find a perfecr partner. If you want to meet a prince, you need to be a princess yourself :) But nevertheless I`d like m...
   What do women want in a relationship - wave from Saint Petersburg
 151 lb
Important: to be happy
   Tennis singles - Samonika from Kaliningrad
Alone heart
 115 lb
Important: health, friends, love and family
become a mother
Hi guys, I'm Natalya, cheerful kind girl with friendly sense of humor ;) yes, I'm girl but enough adult girl - I'm 27. About me... in few words can sa...
Looking for: I'm still single and never married, that's a reason why I decided to use net dating. According to me in the other person we must be found not only th...
   Dating personals - Killissa from Kazan
All love is sweet
Ivan' online personals photo
 137 lb
Important: To find the only one
I'm an honest, gentle man!
Looking for: A blonde with long legs!
   Tennis singles - Chak from Krasnodar
 166 lb
   Fitness singles - Igor from Moscow (profile id# 24721)
Attractive and full of surprises
 135 lb
áåçáàøåííàÿ, óâåðåííàÿ â ñåáå, îáîæàþ ôóòáîë.....âíóòðè íàñòîÿùèé ðîìàíòèê )) âîîáùåì ÿ òàêàÿ, êàêàÿ åñòü )
Looking for: Èùó òîãî ñàìîãî...êîòîðûé áóäåò ìåíÿ âåñåëèòü, íåæíî îáíèìàòü è âñåãäà áûòü ðÿäîì! Òîãî, êòî áóäåò ðàçäåëÿòü ñî ìíîé ìîè èíòåðåñû! ÎÑÎÁÅÍÍÎÃÎ!
   Tennis singles - Oksik from Nizhniy Novgorod
 166 lb
Important: æèçíü
Looking for: Îí äîëæåí áûòü ìíå èíòåðåñåí
   Tennis singles - tany from Rostov-na-Donu
Alone heart
 122 lb
Important: To love and to be loved,to find my place in this world
I am romantic girl,i love roofs,little cafes,evenings..Love poetry and horses eyes.Sometimes i can be a little stubborn and egoistic,but often i am ki...
Looking for: I cant describe her.Love is such a thing that you never know how it can look like.
   Fitness singles - onlythesky from Saint Petersburg
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
Ñâåòëàíà' online personals photo
 111 lb
Ñâåòëàíà' online personals photo 2  
Ìåíÿ çîâóò Ñâåòëàíà. ß äîáðàÿ,î÷àðîâàòåëüíàÿ,ñòðîéíàÿ,æèçíåðàäîñòíàÿ äåâóøêà.
Looking for: ß õî÷ó ïîçíàêîìèòüñÿ ñ íàäåæíûì,èíòåðåñíûì,ùåäðûì,æèçíåðàäîñòíûì,âûñîêèì,êðåïêîãî òåëîñëîæåíèÿ ìóæ÷èíîé ñ öåëüþ ñîçäàíèÿ ñåìüè.
   Tennis singles - Svetlana from Moscow
 108 lb
Important: Family
   Tennis singles - aleksa8 from Chelyabinsk
Conquer my heart
 122 lb
 Blue Gray
Important: family
clever, beautiful, kind
Looking for: tall, smart, independent
   Tennis singles - Filipina from Novosibirsk
Where are you, my beloved one?
 166 lb
Important: Ñ÷àñòüå ìîèõ áëèçêèõ
Æèòü âìåñòå ñ ëþáèìûì è ëþáÿùèì ÷åëîâåêîì
Ñïîêîéíàÿ,äîáðàÿ,ïî òóñîâêàì è êëóáàì íå õîæó,ëþáëþ æèâîòíûõ
Looking for: Ñïîêîéíûé,äîáðûé è ïîðÿäî÷íûé ìóæ÷èíà èç Ìîñêâû èëè Ì.Î.,æåëàòåëüíî áåç âðåäíûõ ïðèâû÷åê,êîòîðûé ãîòîâ ñðçäàòü ñåìüþ
   Tennis singles - romashka2380 from Moscow
Fry' online personals photo
 148 lb
I'm just looking for person to communicate with..
   Looking for - Fry from Moscow
Never say never
 188 lb
   Tennis singles - Leon from Abakan
Let`s have fun together!!!!
 91 lb
Looking for: ïëîâöà, ôàíàòà äîíàëüäà
   Fitness singles - don from Moscow
 120 lb
My name is Tamara. I from Russia. I the young, romantic woman. I very much like to travel, get acquainted With new people. I wish to get acquain...
Looking for: I would like to find the person which would love me and respected, which loves children, Validly concerns to people and has sense of humour. I do not...
   Tennis singles - Tamara27 from Cheboksary
 166 lb
Important: Êàðüåðà,ñåìüÿ.
Íàéòè ñåáå âòîðóþ ïîëîâèíêó.
   Tennis singles - Alastor from Arkhangelsk
Looking for a real friend
Sveta' online personals photo
 106 lb
Important: Family happiness
To see an ocean
I'm so kind, pretty, intellegent, romantic, sentimental... and only for you! )
Looking for: He shold be strong, assured in himself, romantic, kind and well-off )
   Tennis singles - Sveta from Kirov
A unique person
 111 lb
Important: ñúåçäèòü â Äóáàé
   Tennis singles - Diana from Ivanovo
I`m your sweet dreams
 115 lb
 Green Brown
Romantic and air, gentle, as a spring primrose, the girl who rolls in pink silks and dreams of the same shade. I adore the lacy linen, knickknacks, c...
Looking for: He should be my the second half...
   Fitness singles - tigrica_1 from Tver
 93 lb
   Fitness singles - OlE4kA from Yekaterinburg
For interesting and pleasant communication
 122 lb
Important: ðîäèòåëè, áóäóùèå äåòè, ìóæ , êàðüåðà
÷òîáû âñåõ äåòäîìîâñèõ äåòåé âçÿëè â ñåìüè è åùå êóïèòü ïàïå ìàøèíó
ãîâîðÿò, ÷òî ÿ î÷åíü äîáðàÿ è îòçûâ÷èâàÿ.
Looking for: ñìóãëûé áðþíåò íå íèæå 190 ñì.Äîáðûé çàáîòëèâûé è íå æàäíûé
   Tennis singles - snegca from Chelyabinsk
Be with me honest...
 120 lb
 Green Brown
Important: ïðàâäà
   Fitness singles - Dasha from Moscow
 146 lb
   Tennis singles - Brain22 from Ufa
Looking for new feelings... :-)
MISTIK' online personals photo
 155 lb
MISTIK' online personals photo 2  
   Tennis singles - MISTIK from Moscow
 155 lb
   Fitness singles - sanek5858585 from Saint Petersburg
I hope to meet you!!!
 124 lb
Important: ñåìüÿ ðîäíûå êàðüåðà çäîðîüå
íàéòè ìóæà îáåñïå÷åííîãî
   Fitness singles - lili from Saint Petersburg
Ilona' online personals photo
 106 lb
Ilona' online personals photo 2  
I'm rather beautiful,nice,sociable and kind girl.
   Fitness singles - White_Panther from Saint Petersburg

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