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Tennis singles, Russia

Tennis singles from Russia locally and all over the world gather together at MeetingLand. Page #20060223150319.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+
Looking for new feelings... :-)
 177 lb
   Tennis singles - roman8080 from Moscow
At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet
 102 lb
Looking for: Õîòåëîñü áû íàéòè ïðåæäå âñåãî ïîäðóãó, ÷åëîâåêà, êîòîðûé áû ìåíÿ ïîíèìàë... à åùå íåæíóþ è ëàñêîâóþ... êàê ÿ
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I`m your future
Anastasia' online personals photo
 124 lb
Anastasia' online personals photo 2  
Important: Happiness Or to be happy
To find a unique man
Hello!!!! My name is Nastya!!!! I'm 29 years old!!! I live in Russia in city of Omsk!!!! I registered on this site because I want to find the man who ...
Looking for: To find a unique man
   Fitness singles - girldream from Omsk
Looking for friendship and romance
Íèêîëàé' online personals photo
 155 lb
Íèêîëàé' online personals photo 2  
Important: ñåìüÿ
âèëëà íà áåðåãó êàðèáñêîãî ìîðÿ)))
À ÷òî ïèñàòü....êàê ãîâîðèòñÿ-ëó÷øå îäèí ðàç óâèäåòü!)))
Looking for: Ìíå âñå ðàâíî, ëèøü áû áûëà âåñåëàÿ è ñèìïàòè÷íàÿ!)))
   Tennis singles - Krasavchik from Saint Petersburg
Ñàøà' online personals photo
 133 lb
   Tennis singles dating - Sasha from Saint Petersburg
 137 lb
 Green Brown
Important: âçàèìîïîíèìàíèå
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I`m cheerful and purposeful person
 182 lb
 Green Gray
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Glad to meet you and make your smile
 122 lb
íåïîâòîðèìà! âñåì áîÿòüñÿ!
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The best and most beautiful things in the
world can be only felt with the heart
 155 lb
Important: Îñòàâàòüñÿ ñàìèìè ñîáîé è ïîìîãàòü äðóãèì
Îáðåñòè ãàðìîíèþ ñ ìèðîì
ß ðîìàíòèê, óìåþùèé ëþáèòü è òâîðèòü.
Looking for: Íåæíàÿ, ðîìàíòè÷íàÿ è äóõîâíîáîãàòàÿ ëè÷íîñòü.
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I want to discover myself in your heart
dima_555' online personals photo
 195 lb
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Looking for: Ëþáèìóþ æåíùèíó
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 144 lb
Important: Ñàìîðåëèçàöèÿ, à òàêæå íàéòè ñâîåãî ïî äóõó ÷åëîâå÷êà ñ êîòîðûì ìîæíî áûëî èäòè ïî æèçíè
ß æèçíåðàäîñòíûé ÷åëîâåê, õîòÿ óâèäåâ ìåíÿ è ñòàëêèâàÿñü âïîñëåäñòâèè ïî æèçíè ìåíÿþò ñâîå ìíåíèå íå ðàç.ß ðàçíûé(åñëè õî÷åøü óçíàòü êàêîé íàïèøè). Å...
Looking for: Òû ñâîáîäîëþáèâàÿ, íåçàâèñèìàÿ, ñòðàñòíàÿ(â ïîñòåëè) Áûâàåøü äåðçêîé ÷óòü ÷óòü áðåçãëèâîé, íî â îáùåì áåëîé è ïóøèñòîé îñîáåííî â êîìïàíèè ñ õîðîø...
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I need a man to show me how a
woman deserves to be treated
Motilda' online personals photo
 144 lb
 Green Brown
Motilda' online personals photo 2  
Important: ìîè ðîäèòåëè
äîáðàÿ è èñêðåííÿÿ äåâóøêà, èíîãäà ðàíèìàÿ èíîãäà ñóìàøåäøàÿ...Âñå ðàâèñèò îò íàñòðîåíèÿ!
Looking for: äîáðîãî, âíèìàòåëüíîãî, çàáîòëèâîãî, èíòåðåñíîãî ìóæ÷èíó.
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No limits.....
Sergei' online personals photo
 142 lb
   Tennis singles - seryi from Rostov-na-Donu
Irina' online personals photo
 124 lb
 Green Gray
   Tennis singles - Irina from Cheboksary
I hope to meet you!!!
 155 lb
   Tennis singles - Andrew from Omsk
Let`s be friends
Ñâåòèê' online personals photo
 122 lb
Ñâåòèê' online personals photo 2  
Ñèìïàòè÷íàÿ äåâóøêà, äîáðàÿ, íåæíàÿ ëàñêîâàÿ. Ïèøèòå è ïðèñûëàéòå ôîòêè. Æäó îòâåòèêà.
Looking for: ñèìïàòè÷íîãî, ñïîðòèâíîãî ïàðíÿ, âåñåëîãî, íåæíîãî âîçðàñò 19-23.
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A unique person
Lena' online personals photo
 111 lb
Important: find the real love
My name is Lena. I'm 26 years old. I was born on the February, 5, 1979. I'm a very interesting and lonely person. I want to find the partner in li...
Looking for: I want to find a person who`ll love me and take care of me and who wants to spend his life with me. He must be kind, clever,t ender, sympathetic an...
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Åëåíà' online personals photo
 102 lb
Important: ìîÿ ñåìüÿ
ñëèøêîì ìíîãî î ÷åì ìå÷òàþ
Íå õî÷ó ñåáÿ ðàñõâàëèâàòü, ÿ òàêàÿ êàêàÿ åñòü.
Looking for: Ñàìûé íåæíûé, âíèìàòåëüíûé, äîáðûé, ÷åñòíûé, âîîáùåì ñàìûé ñàìûé.
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 124 lb
Important: Ýòî âåñüìà ñëîæíûé âîïðîñ, è îòâåò íà íåãî íåîäíîçíà÷íûé.
Íåìíîãî î ñåáå:îáùèòåëüíàÿ, îáàÿòåëüíàÿ äåâóøêà, êîòîðàÿ èíòåðåñóåòñÿ âñåì ðàíåå ìíîé íåèçâåäàííûì. Ìíå íðàâèòñÿ çíàêîìèòüñÿ ñ ëþäüìè, óçíàâàòü èõ è î...
Looking for: Ãëàâíîå, ÷òîáû îí áûë èíòåðåñíûì ñîáåñåäíèêîì, ýðóäèðîâàííûì è ïðîñòî õîðîøèì ÷åëîâåêîì.
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Looking for a real MAN
Lena' online personals photo
 108 lb
Lena' online personals photo 2  
I am smart , honest , kind , loyal , elegance , well – disposed ,educated , family orientated , sensitive and romantic young lady. I like all li...
Looking for: I do not search for the superman. I believe, that neither the person nor body do not do the person beautiful, but his soul and intelligence. Im search...
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Àíþòà' online personals photo
 164 lb
 Green Gray
Ïèøèòå ïîãîâîðèì
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 164 lb
   Tennis singles - Max from Moscow
For interesting and pleasant communication
 126 lb
Important: íà äàííûé ìîìåíò-ó÷åáà â óíèâåðñèòåòå
Ìåíÿ çîóò Ìèëåíà,ÿ ñèìïàòè÷íàÿ äåâóøêà,çàíèìàþùÿñÿ ñïîðòîì è ëþáÿùàÿ äîìàøíèõ æèâîòíûõ
Looking for: Òû ñèìïàòè÷íûé,òåáå ìåíüøå 27 ëåò,âûñîêèé,ñïîðòèâíîãî òåëîñëîæåíèÿ,äîâîëüíî îáåñïå÷åííûé
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 142 lb
   Biking singles - Mary from Moscow
I hope to meet you!!!
Aleksandr' online personals photo
 200 lb
   Tennis singles - Aleksandr86 from Tver
No limits.....
Êàðèíà' online personals photo
 108 lb
   Russian women - Alisa from Moscow
Zhanna' online personals photo
 133 lb
Zhanna' online personals photo 2  
   Women looking for men free - Snezhinka from Yekaterinburg
Maria' online personals photo
 122 lb
I am very cheerful person , I love fun and laughter . In my spare time I like to have fun with your friends , watch movies , listen to music and dance...
Looking for: I am a strong confident man who will protect me and to be weak . I adhere to traditional views , and I believe that a man should first proyaalyat init...
   Tennis singles - MariaCherry from Volgograd
Anton' online personals photo
 171 lb
Important: love s..
   Tennis singles - Antosnechka from Ulyanovsk
ALex' online personals photo
 188 lb
Important: Ñåìüÿ ëþáîâü ðàáîòà
áûòü ñ÷àñòëèâûì
ß ëþáëþ ñïîðò ýòî æèçíü !!! õî÷ó ïîçíàêîìèòüñÿ ñ êðàñèâîé äåâóøêîé
Looking for: âûñîêàÿ êðàñèâàÿ óìíàÿ ñòðîéíàÿ
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