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Photo Services

1. First page photo placement.

Only Meeting Land gives to its members an opportunity to place their photo on the first page of the website. Click on your photo will open the page of your profile or your Home Page. You will choose the one.

Advantages of the first page photo placement at OR a couple of reasons of why you should give this idea some serious thought:

! Your photo will be viewed by all members of This considerably increases your chances for success while dating.

! Your photo will be viewed by thousands of photographers and producers who surf the web searching for new faces, figures or new models for ongoing and future projects.
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2. As a member you can place up to 3 photos in your profile.

Placement of photos is optional but recommended. The majority of profiles at contain photos. Profiles with photos draw much more responses than profiles without photos. Photo gives you a chance to participate in the next Photo Contest. You can add, change and re-load your photos anytime. We advice:

  • To use two qualitative photos. First photo – portrait photo, the second photo - full-length photo.
  • It's bad idea to cut you out leaving parts of hands, legs on you photo.
  • It is not a good idea to place passport photo where there is a lack of liveliness.
  • Don’t forget that natural smile makes your photo magical!
  • Click to join our friendly and excited online community

    Members' photos

    3. Photo editing service.

    If the size of your favorite photo is too large or your photo needs some editing, simply email us your photo. Our highly trained staff will edit your photo and make you look fantastic!
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    4. Photo gallery.

    As a member you can create and manage your own online photo gallery, and enjoy sharing your photos with anyone anywhere in the world. Your photo should reply the following requirements for loading on the server:
    Type    JPEG
    Size      up to 300Kb (one photo)

    5. Photos on your Home page.s

    It's great opportunity for members who:
    * doesn't want to place photos in their registered profile and wish photos only be seen by the people they choose,
    *want to publish their photos as private-view photos, which are viewable only by people with a valid password,
    *want to place more photos,
    *want to publish photos as public-view photos for any visitors to see,
    *wish to share their photos with others.

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